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(2), excellent characterization (2), Romilia Chacon series (2), Merci Rayborn series (2), history (2), police procedural (2), family secrets (2), compelling (2), revolution (2), non-fiction (2), dogs (2), enlightenment principles (2), sex (2), unreadable (2), read series (2), madness (2), New York (2), psychological thriller (2), humor (2), violence (2), christian sect (1), soldiers-for-hire (1), high school kids (1), four decades (1), US civilization (1), lena gamble (1), one of Parker's best (1), non-thriller (1), comic book characterization (1), discount bin material (1), Waco revenge (1), new boyfriend (1), Paolina missing (1), hanging valley (1), barges go up in flames (1), young man slain (1), college teacher (1), loan-sharking (1), privileged students (1), military protection (1), flood waters (1), culturally rich (1), macabre grave (1), shady aristocracy (1), silent-screen (1), Alraune (1), dark history (1), intelligent protaganist (1), skewed justice system (1), patrician Venice (1), abducted murdered son (1), sexual betrayal (1), rich v poor (1), tansu (1), senseless death (1), hotel paradise (1), Leon an accomplished author (1), red-chasers (1), politician with integrity (1), dark heart of Venice (1), bird marsh (1), NYC (1), hanged cadet (1), subsidies for rich (1), steve hamilton (1), dirty dick burgess (1), seven-year-old girl abducted (1), andy dalziel (1), nypd (1), quill award (1), bernie manuelito (1), quirke (1), frank harriman (1), carella (1), april woo (1), philly prep (1), samantha kincaid (1), molly burke (1), dead child (1), serial rapist killer (1), jan burke (1), peter pascoe (1), san bernardino mountains (1), two murders (1), neurological condition synesthesia (1), vicious attack (1), Flavia Petrelli also makes an appearance (1), misguided concepts (1), nantwich (1), former high school football star (1), cassie maddox (1), police strike (1), dead blueblood (1), sketch artist (1), numbers cruncher (1), US Senator (1), nate rodriguez (1), South America (1), women's pro basketball (1), secrets to kill for (1), pro football (1), pro tennis (1), lethal beauty (1), 50-year-old murder (1), NYC detective (1), dead tennis player (1), udyrtu. erdy[pomy. 1830 (1), grisly trophies (1), jim chee (1), navajo res (1), South Side mystery (1), brillant writing (1), big business shenanegans (1), English mystery (1), destitute residents riot (1), paradise michigan (1), Bush (1), dead judge (1), san antonio (1), thomas paine (1), edgar allen poe (1), gemma james (1), antiquities (1), drinking and driving (1), hard-boiled (1), intelligence (1), engrossing (1), enlightenment (1), social values (1), serial killers (1), policy (1), reason (1), noir (1), tokyo (1), 1919 (1), Iraq war (1), forensics (1), california (1), nanotechnology (1), child pornography (1), politicos (1), undercover (1), promises (1), fraud (1), kidnappers (1), wedding (1), presidency (1), physician (1), twists (1), medical thriller (1), homicide (1), gypsies (1), radicals (1), american revolution (1), love (1), coming-of-age (1), Lucy (1), grief (1), treachery (1), fear (1), conspiracy (1), bad writing (1), page-turner (1), culture (1), scandal (1), menace (1), spy (1), mass media (1), Chicago (1), suicide (1), christmas (1), popular culture (1), great read (1), wealth (1), portland (1), social psychology (1), corruption (1), passion (1), commerce (1), industry (1), forensic psychiatry (1), cowgirls (1), victor carl (1), political (1), cold case (1), myster (1), San Diego (1), tattoo (1), mob (1), white house (1), good read (1), social conditions (1), brothers (1), philadelphia (1), power (1), democracy (1), wwii (1), desperation (1), utah (1), baltimore (1), dublin (1), st louis (1), malpractice (1), brunetti (1), duncan kincaid (1), mormons (1), racial hatred (1), mysterious deaths (1), emma graham (1), deaf man (1), attorney (1), reginald hill (1), ranching (1), VI Warshawski (1), smuggling (1), infant death (1), pathologist (1), missing women (1), national characteristics (1), serial killings (1), Jack Reacher (1), regulation (1), joe leaphorn (1), bodyguard (1), interesting plot (1), Dave Robicheaux (1), peter robinson (1), melodramatic (1), irene kelly (1), laura lippman (1), 87th precinct (1), female PI (1), amanda pepper (1), tres navarre (1), Bellevue (1), nameless detective (1), potomac (1), wall of silence (1), Benton (1), pearl divers (1), conn o'connor (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 10, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
very eclectic
Über mich
currently on a mystery jag, also enjoy reading psychology, computer, programming, history, politics, poetry
Auch auf
Wird gerade gelesen

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ladinah hat hinzugefügt und bewertet
ladinah hat hinzugefügt und bewertet
ladinah hat hinzugefügt und bewertet


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