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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Feb 18, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
Due to recent "lifestyle changes", I'm committed to divesting my library as I read books (or in some cases identifying those books I really don't intend to read). As I break up with my bibilophilia, Phoenix Public Library will be receiving the donated books, with the exception of any ARCs I'm finished with - check out my blog for chances to win one of my ARCs!
Über mich
Internal Audit manager by day, part-time evening law school student on sabbatical hoping to get the money to finish... Oh, yeah, and I love books...;-)

I joined the 50 Book Challenge for 2008. I didn't quite make it to 50, but you can see how far I got if you like.

I'm taking up the 50 Book Challenge again for 2009 - follow my reading list here.
Paris, France
Auch auf
("lawgrrl07"), ("lawgrrl07"), BookCrossing, BookMooch, LinkedIn, Ravelry, Tumblr
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Beliebte Autoren
Lokale Favoriten

Buchhandlungen: Changing Hands Bookstore, Left Bank Books, Librairie Raffin, Quail Ridge Books, Seminary Co-op Bookstore, Strand Bookstore, Those Were the Days

Bibliotheken: Phoenix Public Library - Burton Barr Central Library, Phoenix Public Library - Desert Broom Library


Interesante Bibliotheken