Bürgerlicher Name
Leigh Podgorski
Über meine Bibliothek
Besides the books in my library that I have written, there are the books that have influenced. I cut my teeth on Asimov and Bradbury, Steinbeck and the glorious Twain. I rushed home eagerly after school to see what that scamp Scarlet O'Hara would be getting up to next as I sobbed and cheered through FONE WITH THE WIND. I found that my authors were mostly men because it was largely men who were published. Imagine my delight as later I discovered Margaret Atwood, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, the Sees, Lisa and Carol, Amy Tan, Alice Walker, and Flannery O'Connor. For awhile I read women exclusively. But that will never due forever, and could never turn down the joys of Jim Harrison, Richard Ford, Edward Abbey, or Joe Coomer. Plus all the authors-- male or female just waiting to be discovered-- many I am sure on these pages. When I find them, I will be sure to let the world --- and you -- know.
Über mich
Leigh Podgorski is an award winning playwright and screenwriter. Among her favorite projects are a play and documentary on Cahuilla elder Katherine Siva Saubel entitled We Are Still Here and the one-act play Windstorm for which she interviewed Dr. Elisabeth Kubler Ross. Leigh’s novels include The Women Debrowska that is (very) loosely based on her own Polish ancestry, Ouray’s Peak which follows the story of one matriarchal Ute Indian lineage,(currently in pre-production for the screen) and the Mystery Magical Realism Stone Quest series that includes Desert Chimera, Gallows Ascending, and the newly released Neuri Shape-Shifter.
Los Angeles, CA
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