
fiction (334), knitting (150), sci fi & fantasy (94), comedy (65), history (58), embroidery (49), crochet (45), 2012 (43), 2014 (36), sewing (35), declutter (32), historical fiction (28), london (28), fashion (26), art & design (26), women (25), psychology (25), 2011 (25), biography (23), dolls (23), television (23), 2013 (21), autobiography (18), dressmaking (15), childrens (15), tapestry (15), virago (14), weaving (14), science (14), toys (14), quilting (13), music (13), patchwork (13), textiles (13), essays (12), socks (11), work (11), classics (11), nature (11), cats (11), scifi & fantasy (11), weasels (10), short stories (10), applique (9), travel (9), art (9), humour (9), rugmaking (8), shopping (7), animals (7), papercraft (7), historical romance (7), food (7), tatting (6), macrame (6), spinning (6), 2005 (6), fabric dyeing (6), museums (6), murder mystery (6), cross stitch (5), management (5), smocking (5), horror (5), 2010 (4), lampshades (4), feminism (4), flowercraft (4), film (4), transport (4), printing (4), home sewing (4), trains (3), digital (3), jewellery (3), beadwork (3), woodwork (3), lace (3), machine knitting (3), business (3), hoarding (3), crafts (3), basketwork (3), web (3), steampunk (3), leatherwork (3), literature (2), content marketing (2), upholstry (2), 2008 (2), social science (2), mystery (2), craft (2), machine embroidery (2), glasswork (2), candlemaking (2), social media (2), 1998 (2), maps (2), photography (2), chick lit (2), modelling (2), drink (2), 2007 (2), bears (2), comics (2), persephone (2), 1997 (2), marketing (2), underground (2), 1996 (2), 1994 (2), christmas (1), 2001 (1), marquetry (1), money (1), sci-fi (1), children (1), information (1), family history (1), epistolary (1), 1995 (1), poetry (1), negotiation (1), data (1), bbc (1), pr (1), Psychology (1), mental health (1), stone fencing (1), trout tickling (1), trout guddling (1), making a fire without matches (1), making a bow and arrow (1), haymaking (1), shearing a sheep (1), milking a cow (1), making wattle hurdles (1), catching eels (1), education (1), hedge laying (1), acrylic work (1), fiction 2012 (1), penguin (1), dry stone walling (1), tracking animals (1), tree felling (1), content strategy (1), royalty (1), culture (1), anthology (1), radio (1), needlepoint (1), language (1), scifi (1), scotland (1), buttons (1), 1991 (1), hats (1), sport (1), retail (1), London (1), ropework (1), 1990 (1), pottery (1), puppets (1), negotiating (1), ceramics (1), signed (1), collage (1), housework (1), school story (1), knotting (1), flint knapping (1), internet (1), coppicing (1), harvesting (1), pattern cutting (1), facilitation (1), games (1), model making (1), stencilling (1), netting (1), networking (1), drawing (1), strategy (1), crewel work (1), plaiting (1), picture framing (1), batik (1), milling (1), 2009 (1), beekeeping (1), hedgehog romance (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 27, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
I love funny books and books about textiles.
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Buchhandlungen: I Knit London, Riverside Bookshop, Waterstone's Croydon

