
tbr (113), legal thriller (42), crime fiction (41), mystery (38), historical romance (34), wish list (23), suspense (19), thriller (16), (1) (8), Harry Bosch series (8), psychological thriller (7), Alan Gregory (6), (3) (5), Paul Madriani series (5), (4) (5), (2) (5), witty (4), legal mystery (4), humor (4), fantasy (4), classic (4), children's literature (4), historical fiction (3), (13) (3), (11) (3), horror (3), (5) (3), Joseph Antonelli series (3), crime (3), Andy Carpenter series (2), (9) (2), (7) (2), YA (2), (12) (2), romantic suspense (2), ( 8) (2), Dismas Hardy (11) (1), Elvis Cole series (3) (1), Elvis Cole (10) (1), Elvis Cole (9) (1), historical romance (1) (1), Elvis Cole series (1) (1), Dismas Hardy (15) (1), Dismas Hardy (1) (1), Elvis Cole (6) (1), Elvis Cole series (2) (1), Dismas Hardy (2) (1), Dismas Hardy (3) (1), Kathleen Mallory (4) (1), Elvis Cole series (4) (1), Dismas Hardy (9) (1), Dismas Hardy (7) (1), Dismas Hardy (6) (1), Dismas Hardy (12) (1), Dismas Hardy (4) (1), Dismas Hardy (14) (1), Dismas Hardy (13) (1), Dismas Hardy (10) (1), Dismas Hardy (8) (1), Dismas Hardy (5) (1), Elvis Cole (8) (1), Fantasy (1), ( 1) (1), Mississippi (1), ya (1), ghosts (1), gothic (1), feminism (1), racism (1), family drama (1), contemporary fiction (1), memoir (1), Jack Reacher series (1), stand alone (1), holocaust (1), Mallorens series (5) (1), (8) (1), (15) (1), (14) (1), fiction (1), Vampires (1), Alcoholism (1), Legal Thriller (1), Frank Clevenger series (1), wish List (1), Paul Madiani series (1), Mallorens series (1) (1), 1st in Kathleen Mallory series (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 26, 2008
Über meine Bibliothek
Most of my library contains books that I have yet to read(tbr). I find this list grows and grows (wish list) as I peruse through the groups and the reviews from other LTer's!

The books that I have read so far are rated. I don't keep the books after I read them. They are passed on or traded in for more at my favorite little used paperback store. Feel free to send me comments or recommendations!
Über mich
My name is Linda. I live in Lakewood, Ohio. Lakewood is a wonderful community that borders Lake Erie and is only 5 minutes from downtown Cleveland.

I joined LibraryThing last January (2008), mainly to just log books, but have found out in the last few months what a great place this is. Like I've so heard, LibraryThing is very addicting!! I can spend hours on here...and yes it really cuts into reading time LOL...but, I'm lovin' it!

My favorite genre is crime fiction, legal thriller and mystery, but I very much enjoy Historical Romance, some fantasy and YA. I like to be taken away to another magical time and place!

Please feel free to message me, leave comments, or recommendations. I look forward to meeting new friends!

Happy reading!
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