Bürgerlicher Name
Jill Swanson
Über meine Bibliothek
I read everything. EVERYTHING. . . From memoirs/non-fiction to children's books. ^^
All though, I will admit to being partial to Sci Fi.(this does not include these new age gaudy vamp books)
And sometimes I like to sneak in a paranormal romance novel.
I typically DO NOT like books by female authors.However, I am trying to change this. ^^
Über mich
I am half Japanese and spend most of my time baking. I love playing with fondant and designing incredible cakes!
When I am not in the kitchen I am reading or writing. I worked for Barnes and Noble for years and developed an obsession with Children's books.
I have an even greater love for Star Trek.
Which I watch almost daily while eating Kameda Crisps.
San Diego
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