
fiction (189), poco (101), British (92), cooking (61), Caribbean (56), Victorian (50), anthology (43), reference (43), novel (29), criticism (29), food studies (23), cultural history (23), colonialism (22), poetry (22), cultural studies (21), India (19), knitting (19), history (19), short stories (18), modernism (17), theory (16), women's studies (15), Black Britain (13), feminist (12), memoir (12), short story (12), C20 (11), American (11), literary history (11), U.S. (11), neo-Victorian (9), contemporary (8), African (8), food (8), Africa (8), South Africa (7), travel (7), historical fiction (7), historiographic metafiction (7), Canadian (6), race (6), poetics (5), modernist (5), imperialism (5), British history (5), Irish (5), racist! (5), pulp (5), job-related (5), C19 (5), Scottish (5), media (4), essay (4), Pakistan (4), india (4), fin de siècle (4), queer (4), Hong Kong (4), film studies (4), C18 (4), critical race studies (4), anthropology (4), detective (4), US (4), sociology (4), picture books (4), ecocrit (3), publishing (3), pervy (3), biocrit (3), diaspora (3), Indian (3), Booker (3), New Zealand (3), satire (3), music (3), food history (3), campus novel (3), Britain (3), Bildungsroman (3), folklore (3), pomo (3), Trini (3), feminism (3), sensibility (2), porn (2), adaptation (2), migrant (2), photography (2), Australian (2), aesthetics (2), food writing (2), overrated (2), romantic poetry (2), philosophy (2), drama (2), verse novel (2), pedagogical (2), textual studies (2), African American (2), gender studies (2), Americas (2), reader response (2), pervy (incest) (2), gender (2), apartheid (2), facsimile (2), british (2), Australia (2), Americana (2), slavery (2), chick lit (2), autobiography (2), Edwardian (2), teaching (2), U.S. history (2), graphic novel (2), orientalism (2), historical (2), social commentary (1), campus (1), French history (1), classic (1), Danish fiction (1), transnationalism (1), Harlem Renaissance (1), "erotica" (1), U.S (1), Aborigines (1), epic (1), Marxism (1), reader's guides (1), language (1), blaxploitation (1), macabre (1), U.S. Gilded Age (1), epistolary (1), essays (1), migrancy (1), U.S. pop history (1), so French (1), facile (1), big American novel (1), joyce aid (1), separate spheres (1), Robinsonnade (1), U.S. food culture (1), Macau (1), illustrated (1), Renaissance (1), U.S. cultural history (1), snobbist jeremiad (1), Age of Sensibility (1), literary celebrity (1), irresponsible journalism (1), trivia (1), illustrated magazine (1), sci-fi (1), Victorian periodicals (1), Dickens (1), read the Tin Drum instead (1), Native American (1), expose (1), angry young man (1), Islam (1), European literature (1), British novel (1), eighteenth century (1), southern (1), exploitation (1), biography (1), magic realism (1), wow (1), Asia (1), social history (1), anthro (1), polemic (1), pop culture (1), interview (1), faux memoir (1), domestic fiction (1), unreliable narrator (1), lit crit (1), comics (1), alterity (1), occult (1), awful (1), terrible (1), gift book (1), academia (1), medieval (1), self-indulgent (1), Romanticism (1), fantasy (1), politics (1), social criticism (1), literary studies (1), class (1), civil rights (1), hype (1), Orange Prize (1), college novel (1), cartography (1), cultural criticism (1), gruesome (1), slave narrative (1), scandalous (1), feminist theory (1), pornography (1), periodicals (1), globalization (1), fraud (1), colonial history (1), culinary (1), social problem (1), Burma (1), mass culture (1), backlash (1), domesticity (1), animal rights (1), exile (1), sensation (1), grotesque (1), erotica (1), crit (1), cannibalism (1), intertextuality (1), London (1), africa (1), regional (1), Southern U.S. (1), journalism (1), picture book (1), resistance (1), book history (1), Dublin (1), children's (1), British Empire (1), sensationalistic journalistic faux anthropology (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 23, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
It has books in it.
Über mich
I teach English at a jumbo-sized public university in the eastern United States. Also available in the frozen section at Costco.

