
Genre: fiction (10), Genre: informational text (4), Genre: realistic fiction (4), Genre: fantasy (4), Genre:fiction (3), Genre: poetry (2), Genre: traditional literature (2), teaching point: allowing older students to write different haikus when learning about them (1), theme: do not judge people based on their appearances (1), and the dragon (1), Characters: Ronald (1), theme: don't underestimate the power of reading (instructions) (1), characters: Judy and Peter (1), emotions: joy because of Christmas (1), teaching lesson: always believe even when others do not (1), teaching point: teaching children the basic actions of a cat and ask if any own one at home (1), teaching lesson: how to properly grow plants (1), teaching point: allow students to share different types of vegetables they have tried and if they like them or not and why (1), emotions: kindness (only way to grow plants properly) (1), teaching point: teach the children where vegetables grow from (seeds (1), characters: Max (dressed in a wolf costume) (1), teaching lesson: being able to name or draw their favorite kinds of fruits (1), different theme for each page (summer storm (1), theme: different haiku on each page (1), particularly) (1), teaching point: could be used for older classrooms when learning about different kinds of poetry (haiku (1), teaching lesson: allow the children to paint butterflies as an art project (1), teaching lesson: how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly (1), teaching point: where fruits come from (1), Elizabeth (1), theme: we always come back home one way or another (1), Genre: graphic novel (1), and Jackie Raymond (1), Grandpa Edwin (1), character: Millie (1), character: Vashti and his teacher (1), theme: you can do anything you set your mind to (1), teaching connection: can draw faces according to the word (1), teaching connection: can go through the book and ask how each child is feeling or has felt in the past (1), allowing the children to draw their own graphic novel (1), teaching connection: letting the students learn what firefighters do (1), teaching connection: read the nursery rhymes that coordinate with this book (1), characters: Willie (1), Jack (human) (1), Milky White (cow) (1), Clara (hen) (1), characters: Otto (giant) (1), teaching connection: can teach on past musical decades (1), characters: the grandfather (aka the song and dance man) (1), theme: "ignorance comes in as many colors as talent" (1), his grandfather (1), Teaching Connection: learning patience when teaching someone something (1), young German boy (1), Teaching Connection: different types of bears (1), Characters: Brother Bear and Sister Bear (1), Genre: nonfiction (1), Theme: "it wasn't me" (1), Teaching point: easier to admit that we were wrong (1), Characters: rainbow fish and striped fish (1), Teaching point: always accept those even if they don't look like you (1), 3 baby bears (1), "ding dang baby" (1), teaching connection (1), characters: dog (1), his dad (1), Genre: Biography (1), Teaching point: each child is accepted (1), dad (1), bulbs (1), etc) (1), hen (1), pockets (1), goat (1), etc.) (1), leaves (1), rat (1), Characters: mom (1), Characters: Horton and the people of Whoville (1), Teaching Connection: facts about bears (1), Theme: even though we get in trouble our parents still care for us and love us (1), pig (1), Emotions: upset about her new sister coming (1), Characters: Gia (1), Teaching Connection: difference between questions and statements (1), Teaching Connection: lesson on punctuation (1), Theme: don't underestimate (1), Characters: Arthur and Logan (1), Genre: fiction (mystery) (1), Teaching Question: ask kids what they've been told "no" to by their parents (1), Lesson idea: plants/trees and their growth (1), Teaching point: don't judge someone by their size (1), Characters: Mimosa tree and Emmy (1), Teaching point: different cultures (1), Theme: not everyone is the same (1), Teaching lesson: non-bullying (1), Character: Ally Nickerson (1), Theme: magic versus science (1), Characters: Owen and Bethany (1), Teaching point: working for rewards (1), Character: Mahalia Jackson (1), Teaching point: musical genres (1), theme: do not leave a child out and treat them with equality (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 24, 2017