Über meine Bibliothek
i read pretty much everything and anything. I have a thing for ancient egyptian fiction, Christian Jacq being my favorite author. Ancient Egypt is a passion of mine so i have alot of non-fiction on the subject. I like to read true stories and biographies - the cloud garden and the gringo trail are great books. Also 'fantasy' which to me is more like reality in many ways, Phillip Pullman's Northern Lights Trilogy, The End of Mr Y by Scarlett Thomas and The Night Circus amongst others are my favorites. Books set in all manner of countries, settings and ages also line my shelves, The Book Thief, The Kite Runner, The Africa House, The Interpretation of Murder and Empress Orchid are a few to mention. I read alot, and have a set selection that i keep and treasure and others that i buy and pass on like books by Steve Berry, Dan Brown and other authors of similar subjects. I have a growing collection of childrens books that are from my childhood and for my children, my love of books grew from a book-reading mother and plenty of books while i was growing up so i figure my children should enjoy the same. My Library is not complete and ill always be adding books that i find on the shelf or have recently acquired.
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