
knitting (15), weaving (11), dyeing (7), natural dyes (7), dye plants (6), history (6), Scotland (5), women (5), patterns (5), hand spinning (4), spinning (4), Scotland history (4), Shetland Islands (4), hand weaving (3), textiles (3), Navajo weaving (3), sewing (3), yarns (2), color in art (2), Hand spinning (2), Machu Picchu (2), Southwest weaving (2), Navajo dyes (2), Robert Burns (2), indigo (2), Scottish military history (2), anasazi ruins (2), feminine wisdom (2), techniques (2), humor (2), New Zealand (2), needle felting (2), New Mexico (2), Southwest US (2), animals (2), Canada (2), Ireland (2), psychology (2), mythology (2), poems (2), beginners (2), social aspects (2), rugs (1), Sheep (1), Andes (1), tapestry (1), Hand weaving (1), Santa Fe (1), classification (1), Charles Dickens (1), Bookbinding (1), herbs (1), atlas (1), Legends (1), Creativity (1), Indians of North America (1), recipes (1), Rachel Brown (1), handicraft (1), Whooping Cranes (1), marigold (1), Kyrgyzstan (1), archaeological site (1), Travel (1), textile fabrics (1), fiber artists (1), Southwest (1), water harvesting (1), swatch collection (1), Europe (1), 18th Century (1), Spinning (1), creative ability (1), Weaving (1), movie (1), Scotish Highlands (1), Galapagos islands (1), Scotland travel guide (1), women's creativity (1), Kristina Wilson (1), Joan Loveless (1), Chilkat Indians (1), Northwest coast Indians (1), protein fibers (1), Union Amy (1), Scotish jokes (1), 1889 edition (1), Scots recipes (1), Scotland cooking (1), Scotland-Highlands (1), Wixarika women (1), drawing Ernest Thompson Seton (1), Bob Buck (1), Wind in the Willows sequel (1), Natural History - Four corners region -Southwest US (1), NY Times garden columnist (1), East-West trade (1), Conon Doyle (1), Mike Todd (1), personal fullfilment (1), Ann Blinks (1), island of Savu (1), Indians of North America-Women (1), weaver's garden (1), Yarn (1), Navajo saddle plankets (1), Navajo mythology (1), color in gardening (1), Mary Meigs Atwater (1), Pueblo Indian (1), vegetable dyeing (1), structures (1), Indians of North America-Fiction (1), Kuna Indians (1), folk weaving (1), dye garden (1), baubaus (1), Scottish dyes (1), photographs dye plants an (1), Southwest mythology (1), Fiber farms (1), nonwool patterns (1), Peruvian Highlands (1), color in decoration (1), color star (1), fabric structure (1), Catawbas Indians (1), Kay McKeever (1), tri-culture (1), Tenorio Flat (1), Williamsburg (1), Navajo rugs (1), Winnie-the-Pooh (1), social action (1), Colorado (1), painter (1), paintings (1), projects (1), tips (1), cookbook (1), book collecting (1), dictionary (1), organizations (1), stress (1), Ireland history (1), Scottish history (1), Bonnie Prince Charlie (1), women in art (1), Quotations (1), philosophy (1), knit (1), crochet (1), crocheting (1), play (1), weaver (1), Inca (1), instruction (1), Rudyard Kipling (1), cats (1), language (1), owls (1), biography (1), spirituality (1), United States (1), writing (1), fairy tales (1), stories (1), gnomes (1), Peru (1), Sherlock Holmes (1), communication (1), sheep (1), China (1), librarians (1), technique (1), tricks (1), Afghanistan (1), deserts (1), green (1), growing (1), nature writing (1), weavers (1), mushrooms (1), Panama (1), gift (1), warping (1), designer yarns (1), braiding (1), conservationists (1), Gaelic language (1), Funk & Wagnalls (1), Navajo textiles (1), Chimayo (1), County Cork (1), tour book (1), Alden Amos (1), Sandhill cranes (1), color in textiles (1), Rob Roy (1), Scotland photographs (1), rug hooking (1), Taos (1), Sir Walter Scott (1), natural dyeing (1), nurse (1), cotton (1), madder (1), spinning wheels (1), tapestries (1), mittens (1), shamans (1), lace (1), Navajo (1), Laos (1), dyes (1), clutter (1), Aldo Leopold (1), sweaters (1), women travelers (1), wool (1), bags (1), color in design (1), finishing techniques (1), Florence Nightingale (1), permaculture (1), embroidery (1), domino (1), Ansel Adams (1), Rocky Mountain (1), exhibition catalog (1), textile history (1), knitters (1), Rio Grande textiles (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Nov 29, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Mary Ellen McMurtrie
Über meine Bibliothek
Home: mostly weaving and spinning books, Scotland history, southwest art-pottery, weaving.
Guild library: spinning, weaving, dyeing books, CDs, DVDs about 650 vols.
Über mich
Retired corporate librarian now managing a weavers and spinning guild library plus my own.
Interests: weaving/spinning; southwest US art and history; textiles from other countries.
Tijeras, New Mexico