
photography (297), photographer (189), photographers (63), instruction (39), monograph (16), technical (14), history (14), editorial (11), web (8), design (5), business (5), techincal (5), graphic design (3), RAW (3), guitars (3), music (3), access (2), database (2), pets (2), self-help (2), black and white (1), "Bay Area" (1), "The Frames" (1), portraiture (1), photoshop (1), clapton (1), found photography (1), sketchup (1), "Glen Hansard" (1), "self publish" (1), css (1), Iraq (1), DIY (1), organization (1), American (1), blog (1), California (1), fiction (1), flash (1), abandoned (1), signed (1), war (1), Ireland (1), dogs (1), art (1), America (1), Americana (1), money (1), cats (1), analysis (1), cameras (1), cooking (1), finance (1), Technical (1), publishing (1), CAD (1), Oracle (1), ballet (1), movies (1), dance (1), car (1), phoitoshop (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 12, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Martin Taylor
Über meine Bibliothek
I mainly collect photography books, the majority of which are monographs but I do have a few technical tomes thrown in there too. As the photography enthusiast without Elton John's disposable income has been prices out of the market for collecting actual prints, monographs make a relatively affordable photographic, collecting option.

As photography monographs are still relatively expensive at retail price you can find me at my local secondhand book stores, and amazon market place scouting for bargains. I pride myself on having assembled this collection on a relatively tight budget.
Über mich
Born and raised in Lancashire, UK. Majored in English Literature (with a minor in white water kayaking :) in N.Yorkshire. For some reason, became a software engineer. Accidentally emigrated to San Francisco in the 90s. Married with no kids but two crazy dog-kid-substitutes.

Outside of my professional-geek work life I am a hugely enthusiastic photographer, a runner, a bit of a petrol-head, I have a slight guitar-fetish, a movie-hound, a music snob and a card carrying member of the digerati.
San Francisco, CA, USA
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