
Historical Fiction (69), Graphic Novels (60), Comics (56), Fantasy (49), No Cover (42), JSB (41), Humor (37), Newbery Award Winners (36), Encyclopedia Brown (33), Mystery (31), Dog Fiction (30), Coming of Age: Girls (29), A Series of Unfortunate Events (28), Animal Fiction (27), Sports (27), Frontier (24), Beverly Cleary (24), Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House) (23), Multicultural Fiction (23), Coming of Age: Boys (23), Historical Nonfiction (22), Outdoor Adventure (22), Dear America (21), Magic Tree House (20), Lois Lowry (19), Louis Sachar (19), Classics (19), Avi (18), Family Struggle (18), Dragons (17), Bruce Coville (16), Gary Paulsen (Outdoor Adventure) (16), Halloween (behind Betty Ren Wright) (16), The Boxcar Children (15), Mythology (15), Poetry (14), Sci-Fi (14), Roald Dahl (Fantasy) (13), I Survived (Behind Gary Paulson) (13), Jerry Spinelli (13), Beverly Cleary (Ramona) (13), K.A. Applegate (Animorphs) (13), Patricia Reilly Giff (12), Judy Blume (12), Elves (12), War (11), C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia) (11), J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) (11), Lynne Reid Banks (11), Mary Downing Hahn (10), Madeleine L'Engle (10), E.B. White (10), American Girls (10), Serious Illness (10), James Howe (Bunnicula) (10), Andrew Clements (behind Judy Blume) (10), Betty Ren Wright (9), Books in Spanish (9), Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (9), Suspense (9), Diana Wynne Jones (Fantasy) (8), Emily Rodda (Behind Dragons) (8), Betty MacDonald (Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle) (8), Dance (8), L.M. Montgomery (7), L. M. Montgomery (6), Charlie Bone (6), Pirates (6), Picture Books (5), Susan Fletcher (Fantasy) (5), J.R.R. Tolkien (Fantasy) (4), Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (Fantasy) (4), Friendship (4), Terry Brooks (Fantasy) (3), Animal Nonfiction (2), Diana Wynne Jones (1), Ramona (Beverly Cleary) (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Oct 10, 2006