
History (12), Jane Austen (9), history (5), British History (4), Regency World (4), Jane Austen Sequel (4), Architecture (4), Cookery (4), Guidebook (3), Biography (3), fantasy fiction (2), Jane Austen biography (2), English history (2), Jane Austen Biography (2), Sussex (2), Costume (2), Napoleonic Wars (2), time travel (2), Jane Austen Quotations (1), English Literature critique (1), Pride and Prejudice annotation (1), Jane Austen source book (1), Personal journal with Jane Austen as the inspiration; (1), Quiz book about Jane Austen (1), English Critique (1), Lydia Bennet (1), Source book about the Regency Era (1), Sussex guidebook (1), Historical perspective of criminology (1), 19th Century Journal (1), jane Austen sequel (1), Duth art (1), Lennox Sisters (1), Anecdotal facts (1), Jane Austen Sequel. Lydia Bennet (1), Too much blurring of historical boundaries (1), decent source book for manners and mores of the eras (1), Dating advice based on Jane's letters and novels (1), Children's book about the postal service (1), Original source about Jane Austen's life (1), Regency Society (1), Guide to manners and mores in Regency England (1), History of Brighton (1), Jane Austen coffee table book (1), Original source (1), Prince Regent (1), Regency fashion (1), Jane Austen novels (1), Novel (1), british paintings (1), history of fashion (1), Empire Style (1), Fashions (1), fashion plates (1), Kyoto Costume Institute (1), Georgian history (1), historical fashion (1), Romance fiction (1), History of Crime (1), Natural history (1), Grammar (1), Georgian England (1), regency romance (1), Pride and Prejudice (1), art history (1), Georgian History (1), English History (1), Regency Era (1), Art history (1), Napoleonic History (1), Georgette Heyer (1), Source Book (1), Servants (1), Bath (1), Victorian Era (1), Regency (1), England (1), 18th Century (1), Food (1), Geography (1), London History (1), English Literature (1), Dutch painting (1), museum show catalogue (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 28, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
This short list showcases my Jane Austen and Regency era novels and history books, and teaching and fundraising for nonprofit books, as well as other books in my upstairs library. I haven't even begun on my 1st floor library. This list includes sequels to Jane Austen's novels and like minded authors, like Georgette Heyer. The categories I included in this selection are: Jane Austen, Jane Austen Sequels, Regency World, Regency History, Georgian History, London History, Victorian Era History, Napoleonic History, Fashion History, Cookery Books, Georgette Heyer, etc. For nonprofits, fundraising, and training I've listed books that are truly helpful in setting up workshops on the topic. Other books are related to lifestyle topics and my hobbies.
Über mich
Jane Austen fan, history buff, Anglophile. Blog author of Jane Austen's World, co-author of Jane Austen Today blog with Laurel Ann.
Richmond, VA
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