
Über meine Bibliothek
I go through so many books, I primarily but not always just list books I'm given in exchange for a review.

I don't know if it's common or not but I stopped reading the synopsis prior to reading fictional books. I found that they often went too far with the spoilers. Too many times there was little to nothing left to be revealed while reading. Also there are the times when it leaves you certain expectations but what you discover is marginally to vastly different. Since i stopped reading the synopsis every moment of the book is unknown so there are no expectations in my mind except from what the genre, title or cover may infer. It's wonderful to experience everything in the time and way the author intended.

I enjoy just about every genre of fiction and I'm always open to any author. So when I'm looking for a new book, other than authors I do follow, I choose a genre and as odd as it may sound I then choose whatever title and/or cover that captures my attention. It's also opened me up to subcategories of genres, for example steampunk in fantasy, before that time I wasn't even aware of!

Prior to receiving Early Reviewer books I usually read the synopsis after I've finished the book mostly out of curiosity to compare what my experience would've been had I read it 1st. Now that I started getting books in exchange for a review I still wait till the end and I am starting to take that in consideration in the review. Unfortunately a few times I've written my review (I'm old school, pen & paper) gone to post it and realize I forgot to read the synopsis!! Sometimes I've had to make minor changes to the review other times I've had to start all over! At this point I've decided if it would require a complete revision of the review (even though I don't intend to forget to read the synopsis prior to writing the review!!) I am going to point out the difference the readers experience can be based on the synopsis and see how that goes lol!

I handle reviews pretty much the same way. I don't read reviews until I've finished mine so that other's conceptions don't come into play while writing my review.

*my latest quandary, it's getting harder deciding on the rating to give when the synopsis really does make a significant difference i.e. leaving nothing for the reader to discover or very misleading plot. Is it a fair review if I keep giving a rating based on no knowledge from the synopsis but pointing out the difference? (Which so far is always a higher rating) Or base the review on my view if I'd known what the synopsis gave? Opinions??

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