Über meine Bibliothek
All kinds of romance, contemporary lit, chick lit, historical fiction and a dose of non-fiction every now and again to keep it real
Über mich
I love to read. Duh, right? I also like to hear myself talk--so I write book reviews too :) I have a BA in English literature and a law degree and have spent my careers writing extensively.

I spent far too much of my life reading what "other people" say are the most important books of our time or ever or whatever and was sometimes entertained, sometimes bored and sometimes felt my mind expand in painful ways. Now, for the most part, I read for entertainment. I don't particularly enjoy sad stories or mysteries or crime thrillers and tend to read some variation of romance almost exclusively. I'm always entertained by romance haters and the presumptions about what that means about my life and or level of intellect. To those folks I usually say "Bring it. I can fight you with one lobe tied behind my back!" :)