
Format: Novel (262), Nationality: British (243), Queer (192), People: Gay Men (163), WWI (152), Nationality: American (149), Format: Poetry (118), 1910s (104), 1920s (101), 1930s (88), Setting: England (84), Format: Nonfiction (80), 1890s (63), 1900s (59), Book: First Edition (59), Format: Memoir (58), Genre: Romance (58), Time Period: Victorian (51), Format: Short Story (50), Military (44), Topic: Oscar Wilde (43), WWI: Western Front (43), Setting: United States (42), 1940s (39), Nationality: French (38), Genre: History (37), Nationality: Irish (32), Genre: Juvenile (31), Genre: Nautical (28), Movement: Decadence (28), Setting: Fictional (28), Setting: France (27), Setting: United States--New York (26), 1950s (26), Setting: England--London (25), 1960s (25), 1990s (25), 2000s (25), Topic: Catholicism (24), Topic: Dandyism (24), Format: Biography (23), Format: Autobiographical Fiction (22), Format: Essay (22), 1860s (21), People: Lesbians (20), Movement: Modernism (20), Topic: Social Class (20), Time Period: Napoleonic (19), WWI: Post War (19), Genre: Satire (19), Genre: Erotic (19), 2010s (18), People: Bisexual (18), Military: Navy (18), WWII (18), Format: Play (18), 1880s (17), WWI: Shell Shock (17), Topic: Japan (16), Queer Experience (16), 1970s (16), Book: Heritage Press (16), Queer Theory (16), Movement: Uranian (15), Time Period: Edwardian (15), 1870s (15), Nationality: German (14), Genre: Fantasy (14), Book: Signed (14), Setting: France--Paris (14), Book: with Inserts (13), WWI: Home Front (13), Topic: Academia (13), Book: Limited Edition (13), Book: Vintage Press (13), Nationality: Scottish (13), Book: with Slipcase (12), Format: Letter (12), Format: Anthology (12), Military: Aviators (12), Topic: Gender (11), WWI: Nursing (11), 1980s (11), Book: Uniform Edition (11), Setting: Japan (11), Book: Inscribed (10), Format: Diary (10), Topic: Nature (10), Queer History (9), Book: ARC/Proof (9), Topic: Colonialism (9), Genre: Gothic (9), Topic: Infidelity (9), People: Sex Workers (9), Setting: Austria (9), Movement: Georgian (9), Genre: Propaganda (9), Book: Abridged (8), Topic: André Tellier (8), Movement: Stream of Consciousness (8), Book: Revised (8), WWI: Eastern Front (8), Topic: Art (8), Topic: Writing (8), Setting: Africa (8), Genre: Humor (8), Nationality: Canadian (8), Setting: Scotland (7), Setting: Germany (7), Topic: Music (7), Topic: Religion (7), WWI: Conscientious Objectors (7), Nationality: Austrian (7), Movement: Orientalism (7), Topic: Crime (7), Movement: Imagism (6), People: Disabled (6), 2020s (6), Setting: United States--New Jersey (6), Topic: Japanese History (6), Topic: Race (6), Time Period: Bakumatsu (6), Setting: Hungary (6), Setting: Hungary--Budapest (6), Setting: India (5), Genre: Analysis & Criticism (5), Topic: Prison (5), Book: Chapbook (5), Setting: Russia (5), People: Asexual (5), People: Writers (5), Topic: Socialism (5), Military: War Correspondents (5), Movement: Dialect (5), Topic: Royalty (5), Genre: Drama (5), Setting: Austria--Vienna (5), Time Period: Regency (5), Setting: Greece (5), Setting: Italy (4), Nationality: Australian (4), Topic: Spies (4), 1830s (4), Nationality: Hungarian (4), 1840s (4), Nationality: Japanese (4), Nationality: Polish (4), Genre: Mystery (4), Topic: Greek Myth (4), discard (4), Topic: Opera (4), Format: Novella (4), Nationality: Russian (4), People: Transgender (3), Topic: Christianity (3), People: Aromantic (3), WWI: Ambulance Drivers (3), Setting: Japan--Kyoto (3), Book: Photoplay (3), Topic: Geisha (3), Genre: Coming of Age (3), Topic: Sex (3), Book: Sheet Music (3), Setting: Spain (2), WWI: Pre-War (2), Setting: United States--Washington (2), Topic: Imposters (2), Book: Art (2), Time Period: Interwar (2), Setting: Ireland--Dublin (2), Topic: Fatherhood (2), 1810s (2), Setting: Canada (2), Setting: China (2), WWI: Middle Eastern Theatre (2), Topic: Mafia (2), Time Period: French Revolution (2), Boer War (2), Setting: Serbia (2), Setting: Ireland (2), Setting: United States--Massachusetts (2), Movement: Romanticism (2), WWI: African Front (2), Topic: Folk Tales (2), Topic: Judaism (2), Movement: Raven Poetry Circle (2), Topic: Memory (2), Movement: Hellenic (2), Topic: Propaganda (2), Nationality: Dutch (2), 1850s (2), People: Intersex (2), 1820s (1), Nationality: Persian (1), Topic: Mental Illness (1), Setting: United States--Texas (1), Topic: Children (1), Setting: United States--Virginia (1), Setting: United States--Pennsylvania (1), Setting: Germany--Berlin (1), Setting: United States--Illinois (1), WWI: Prisoners of War (1), People: Twins (1), Setting: Japan--Tokyo (1), Topic: Communism (1), Setting: Persia (1), Setting: Japan--Kyushu (1), Genre: Western (1), Time Period: Great Depression (1), Setting: Romania (1), Nationality: Belgian (1), Nationality: New Zealander (1), Topic: Fashion (1), Nationality: Chinese (1), Nationality: Swiss (1), Movement: Harlem Renaissance (1), Movement: Postmodernism (1), Topic: Science (1), Topic: Animals (1), Military: PTSD (1), Setting: Italy--Venice (1), Setting: Morocco (1), Nationality: Italian (1), Time Period: Meiji (1), Setting: Portugal (1), Movement: Realism (1), Setting: Australia (1), Setting: Albania (1), Setting: Switzerland (1), 1750s (1), Movement: Naturalism (1), 1760s (1), Setting: Africa--Egypt (1), Topic: Aviation (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Sep 30, 2021
Über meine Bibliothek

Queer - primarily 1890-1930 & by gay men
WWI - first person accounts in poetry, memoirs, & novels
Victorian - decadent, aesthetic, and misc. titles
Misc. - modernist, historical fiction, Japanese history

Über mich

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Bibliotheken: USF Library - Tampa


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