
Reference (199), English Literature (75), Dictionary (68), English Language (27), History (27), Bibliography (21), Biography (16), Literature (16), Forgeries (14), Lexicography (10), English (7), Fine Printing (7), Graphic Arts (7), International (7), World (7), Review (7), Style Books (7), Cartography (6), Fiction (5), Dictionary Format (5), OED (5), Book Collecting (5), French (4), Literature in English (4), Authors Biographies (4), Classics (4), English & American (4), English language (4), Publisher's "House" Style (4), USA (4), English & UK et al (4), Bookplates (4), Latin Language (3), English UK et al (3), Catch Phrases (3), American (3), Chronologies (3), History of European Maritime Exploration (3), Publisher's (3), History of Printing (3), Religious Reform (2), STC (2), Humour (2), Shakespearian (2), Bibliographies (2), Western Canon (2), Almanac Miscellany (2), Thesaurus (2), English Literature 1475 - 1640 (2), Literary Characters (2), Johnson (2), British et al (2), Literary (2), Pseudonyms (2), British (2), C20th (2), Religion Classical (2), Magic (2), Book Selling (2), France (2), Slang (2), Etymologies (2), 1900+ (2), Classical (2), pre Revolution (2), Quotations (2), C18 (2), Word Histories (2), Folio Society (2), Characters (2), European (2), History 1700-1740 (1), 1789 - 1815 (1), English Literature in Victorian London (1), History 1740-1789 (1), 1815- 1832 (1), Novels 1880-1930 ish (1), "Best" Titles by Subject Areas (1), 1851-1950 (1), English 1475-1950 (1), English et al (1), CBEL CONCISE 1ST (1), History of English Maps (1), 000 texts recommended (1), "Printing & the Mind of Man" (1), OED TWO (1), C19th 1 title (1), History of Bks (1), Forgery & Theft (1), London Gazeteer (1), Renaissance Learning (1), Norse Exploration; (1), English Literature in Johnson's London (1), Puzzles in Fiction (1), History 1660-1700 (1), Gazeteer to Britain & Authors (1), 1981 - 1985 (1), American Evolution (1), Gazeteer Guide to British Isles (1), Gazetteer & Guide to British Isles (1), 1947 - 1987 (1), 1947 -1996 (1), History 1500 - 1610 (1), catch Phrases (1), Fiction 1901 - 1910 (1), Journals UK 1971-1985 (1), Directory of Booksellers Publishers & Stationers 1885 (1), Ships & Sea (1), Crime Suspense & Spy Fiction (1), Real Life Originals (1), Dictionary-Encyclopedia (1), 1832 - 1890 (1), Medieval Words (1), History 1600-1660 (1), 1961 - 1970 (1), Drama 1485 - 1585 (1), History 1501 - 1600 (1), History 1400 - 1500 (1), English Literature in Restoration London (1), English Literature in Shakespeare's London (1), Women's Writing in English (1), Saga Literature (1), 4500 bce to 1990 (1), Learning Renaissance (1), 58 bce - 1961 ce. (1), History/Politics/Culture (1), 1492 - 1899 (1), "An English Garner" (1), C20 th (1), early C19 th (1), 1740 - 1789 (1), Chronology 1474 - 2000 (1), Translations (1), Literary Guide USA (1), British Isles (1), Britain (1), Shakespeare's England (1), Archaic Words (1), Christian Church (1), Science & Technology (1), Italian Language (1), Australian (1), Author Biographies (1), UK (1), Summaries (1), Current English (1), Opinions (1), Anglo Indian (1), English Literature History (1), 1000-1900 (1), Foreign Phrases (1), Novels (1), Celtic (1), Mythology (1), Oxford (1), Tolkien (1), 1800-1899 (1), Cartoons (1), Classical World (1), Scientific Method (1), Children's (1), Science Fiction (1), Ancient Near East (1), Crime & Mystery (1), Murray (1), 1730 (1), Tables (1), 1658 (1), Design (1), Canadian (1), English OED ONE (1), Windows 7 (1), Modern World (1), History Medieval (1), Literary Terms (1), Scientific Revolution (1), English Language Dictionary (1), 1600-1900 (1), 1475-1700 (1), Illustrated (1), Socio-Linguistics (1), Old Norse Language (1), over 3 (1), UK & USA (1), inclu Lit & Lit Hy/Criticism (1), & BOOKS & LIBRARIES (1), English & World (1), Phrases (1), Authors (1), Italian (1), Anecdotes (1), Irish (1), Spanish (1), Computers (1), German (1), Archaeology (1), Christian Art (1), Theatre (1), Chronology (1), Etymology (1), Companion (1), Latin language (1), Authorship (1), Gazeteer (1), Encyclopaedia (1), Synonyms (1), Unusual Titles (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Dec 7, 2010
Über meine Bibliothek
My shelves have several themes: I used to collect Folio Society volumes, with particular attention to the first 50 years from 1947-1997, but I now infrequently add extra titles: I have somewhat amorphous groups of "Books About Books" = with especial focus from the start of W. European printing by moveable type, book design & illustration, graphic design, evolution of printing technology, typography & famous typographers, stationers/publishers, book dealers of the past & present, famous printing establishments, paper making & makers, watermarks, book collecting & collectors, book binding, bibliographies, examples of fine printing, plus almost anything I can afford to lay my hands on concerning the wider cultural/societal mutual feedback mechanism concerning the influences of books & reading. I also have other groupings to do with Folk Tales (NOT fairy tales please!), historic accounts of European & other travel (esp. if published by the Hakluyt Society), almost a complete set of the Greek & Roman classics in the Loeb Classical Library, many assorted reference books & variegated history.
Über mich
Books have obsessed me since my first "collecting" of comics stored in a defunct wire mesh meat safe. I put together several "libraries" over the decades reflecting the gradual improvement in my finances from impoverished student onwards. It was just a few years prior to early retirement from the day job that my current collections began. Also at that time I took some short book binding courses. I am a member of some bibliographical societies (London, Oxford, Edinburgh) the Private Libraries Association, the Hakluyt Society (& used to belong to the Printing Historical Society & a society of bookbinders.) Having accessed detailed course data from a US university's Dept of English + a Rare Book School I plan to engage in a more organised & coherent programme of reading about various aspects of book history. Ideally, I intend using time to gradually catalogue my titles to a high level of accurate detail via LibraryThing. Since I have retired from the UK to rural SW France, I can catalogue in the winter (too cool & damp to be outdoors) & during high summer (too hot to be outdoors).
SW France - about 50 km from the coast.