
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 21, 2010
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
I have only just started to buy books.Most of my list is from the local library.
I enjoy fiction, mostly character based thrillers and human interest page turners.
I usually find I can't read popular fantasy books, but I have read SCi Fi and written speculative fiction.
I haven't listed all the children's books and classics in my library, just some of those I've read since I joined LT.
I needed to record books by authors I admired and LT is perfect for that.
Über mich
I am an author and publisher whose first novel was published in 2007 and the trilogy completed in 2011. These were following the life of a man with learning difficulties and were all based in my local area of coastal Sussex.
A member of SWWJ in the UK I am spending more time giving talks than writing but still use LT to find books to read and to ease me into internet chat.
I am the member of a group recording for the blind and have now published my sixth novel. After writing' Never Run Away' about a fifty year old woman who leaves her husband and attempts to start a new life but finds herself in a mysterious house with an eccentric actress, while her husband is spurred into action by her desertion, I followed it with'Never Pretend,' also based in the Worthing/Brighton area but this time with a touch of crime.
Finally, in 2016, I wrote " A Lesson for the Teacher"which is also on kindle, about three young women and their problems with the men they meet.
I belong to a local writing group called the Sea Scribes who are very encouraging, even when I regale them with odd poems and a pantomime!

Worthing,Sussex. UK.
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