
owned (1,325), sf (404), english (211), horror (155), humor (113), children's (111), comic (102), mystery (91), anthology (87), translation (74), prelims (65), australia (62), drama (60), history (59), philosophy (49), native lit (47), poetry (33), suspense (30), postcolonial (27), unread (22), glbt (22), german (20), film (20), star trek (19), theology (18), autobiography (18), french (17), literary theory (16), irish (15), canadian (12), memoir (11), women's studies (11), postmodern (10), essays (10), africa (9), rpg (8), biography (8), greek (7), new zealand (7), swedish (6), jewish (6), music (6), china (6), tv (6), art (5), south africa (5), autographed (5), russian (5), epistles (5), middle english (5), environment (4), cyoa (4), destroyed by soap (4), English (4), italian (4), politics (4), af-am (4), guilty pleasure (4), language (3), algeria (3), caribbean (3), thriller (3), holocaust (3), colonial (3), psychology (3), performance art (3), linguistics (2), aborigines (2), writing (2), travel (2), reference (2), anglophone (2), nigeria (2), fraud (2), india (2), gender studies (2), spanish (2), signed (1), theater (1), oiwned (1), Owned (1), gift (1), chinese (1), theory (1), Middle East (1), Horror (1), Comic (1), switzerland (1), iran (1), mexico (1), norwegian (1), short stories (1), canada (1), math (1), computers (1), old english (1), literary criticism (1), Annette's (1), dictionary (1), english (sort of) (1), fantasy (1), danish (1), kenya (1), urdu (1), trinidad (1), missing (1), crazy (1), arabic (1), antholgoy (1), science (1), latin america (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Nov 17, 2005
Über meine Bibliothek
I have gold and crap. I secretly love the crap more, but don't tell the gold. It gets sulky.
Über mich
I just got renter's insurance for the first time, having been reminded by my housemate that, if nothing else, replacing all of my books would be a costly process.

"Don't you have a list of them somewhere?" she asks. "Or pictures?"

No, but - aha! There's this thing on the Internet that will allow me to save a list, safe from the hypothetical flames that will devour our house.

As a result, a lot of these entries don't reflect the editions I actually have, but what I feel I would probably have to buy to replace the ones I do have.

My "unread" pile is growing horrifically. They've spilled out of their dedicated bookshelf space.
Aurora, CO
Wird gerade gelesen


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