
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Nov 3, 2020
Bürgerlicher Name
Paul Backalenick
Über meine Bibliothek
Just my own novels are there for now.
Über mich
I was born in Boston and settled at five years of age in what was then rural Westport, Connecticut. My dad was a hard-working commercial artist, an out-going jokester with a big heart. In contrast, my mom was a quiet introvert, but a brilliant scholar and writer. After twelve years in the Westport public schools, English was my best subject and certainly my favorite. (Thank you, Dick Leonard.)

I managed to graduate from Brown University with a concentration in Psychology and later obtained an MBA from Boston College. Before and after the MBA, I worked a variety of jobs including counselor in a methadone clinic, information technology strategy consultant, director of admissions for a psychiatric hospital, founder of a web development and Internet marketing agency and Wall Street day trader, among others.

The natural world inspires and rejuvenates me so I support animal rights, ecology and conservation causes. I enjoy playing piano and guitar and singing (usually poorly) as well as staggering around on a golf course and generally traveling overseas as much as possible. After a rather peripatetic life, I am now nested in New York City with my wife, artist Karen Loew. Carrie's Secret is my second novel, with more to come, as I am convinced I have more to say.
New York City