
to be read (122), a good time (49), ala2008 (34), awesome (27), couldn't get into (19), I heart this book (18), good (16), excellent (15), amazing (14), funny (14), pretty good (11), really good (10), great series (10), okay (10), adorable (9), can't wait to read (9), gave up on (8), started (8), meh (8), cute (8), great (8), midwinter 2008 arc (7), interesting (7), marissa recommended (7), I heart this series (7), sweet (7), i'm trying some adult books for once (7), can't wait for the next one (6), I loved (6), audiobook (6), creepy (5), fabulous (5), suspenseful (5), weird (5), I had to take this one back to the library before I was done with it (4), amy (4), really really good (4), looks interesting (4), in the middle of (4), disappointing (4), adventure (4), cool idea (3), i heart maureen johnson (3), i'm really liking this series (3), good so far (3), tearjerker (3), funny bits (3), tried to read (3), loved the first one (3), guilty pleasure (3), vampires (3), great characters (3), I’m liking this series more and more (3), i liked the main character a lot (2), started the first one (2), want to read (2), maybe I'll pick up again (2), super awesome (2), I just didn't care about the characters (2), cute in a good way (2), sad but in a good way (2), bookslut convinced me I should read this (2), totally and completely satisfying (2), much better to look at than read (2), sometimes I like Hautman (2), 16 year old jessy would have loved this (2), kind of weird (2), looks good for Haddix fans (2), sad bits (2), kind of a Great and Terrible Beauty ripoff (2), loved it (2), thoughtful (2), story's okay (2), i love this series (2), so so good (2), silly (2), slow start (2), crazy (2), moving (2), awesome reference books (2), great story (2), fantasy (2), need to read (2), sad (2), suspense (2), love (2), fun (2), love the art (2), hilarious (2), i love the art (2), piratical (2), holly black blurbed (2), sequel to Dairy Queen (1), very The Giver ending but I liked it I think (1), Kevin Brooks earlier books aren't nearly as good as his later ones (1), don't like the narrator's voice (1), bit predictable but not obnoxiously so (1), all over the place and not necessarily in a good way (1), Roswell (tv show) levels of ridiculous world building (1), entertaining but kind of hard to follow at times (1), hard to figure out what protagonist is all about (1), I kept forgetting when it took place and calling the slang out for being dated (1), maybe I've watched too much Law and Order but the murder "twist" was telegraphed I thought (1), voices a little like "Basic 8" by Handler but without the homicidal mania (1), been meaning to read for a while (1), completely and totally satisfying (1), wish we could have in the teen area (1), girl character's kind of an inexplicable hobag (1), too much story for not much space (1), anti-hard drug without being too preachy (1), rereading while I wait for the next one (1), probably my favorite of the three (1), more complicated than Goose Girl (1), emotionally mature without being explicit or preachy (1), there's an odd dreaminess to Hale's books that I love (1), I don't like the way the patterns are written out (1), the boy next door type does not need to live literally next door in every book (1), I just don't care about another bullied 8th grade boy (1), loved that it combined Tithe and Valiant characters well (1), not a fan of that 70s male everything sucks so why bother school (1), the library catalog tricked me into thinking there was adrian tomine i hadn't read (1), the first cecil castellucci I could get into (1), I'm still pissed about the character death (1), I feel like I've read this before (1), some patterns are better than others (1), adbusters masquerading as teenlit (1), if I ever teach a teen services class this is a text book (1), every teen librarian should read (1), there's such a 16yrold mall goth in me (1), set up for the graphic novel series? (1), yet another "oh I have a secret" teen book (1), you get very caught up in the characters (1), seems like an average urban faerie story for the first half (1), twists were predictable but still satisfying (1), i feel like I've read this story so many times (1), would rather read a book about the best friend (1), would have benefited by being longer and more thoughtful (1), I need a story where an adult male wants to mold a naive young woman like I need a hole in the head (1), I'm hoping this is a continuing series (1), bit too much of the Meg Cabot formula (1), seems a bit too tied up in a neat little bow at the end (1), tries to be ambiguous about the vampires but mostly is just confusing and contradictory (1), feels like it was written for a much younger audience (1), this is how quirky ya chicklit should be done (1), I liked Choices (1), why did i take so long to read these (1), julie (1), fast reference desk read (1), haven't been an Abel fan but this looks cool (1), i'm ambivalent about this book (1), neil gaiman blurb (1), what I don't like about adult or high fantasy (1), I heart Artemis Fowl (1), may pick up again (1), the characters annoy me (1), I keep reading this damn series (1), Natasha Friend's like the underground top middle school girl author (1), vaguely entertaining (1), kind of annoying (1), why do I keep reading these (1), why no printz!? (1), i might like even better than LAWKI (1), a new favorite (1), when's the next one coming out (1), frustrating in parts (1), lots of emotional punches (1), good slightly suspenseful fantasy (1), characters did out of character things (1), he has an AIDS scare b/c his best friend comes out to him (1), hmmm still not sure about this one (1), hard to read in parts in a good way (1), I couldn't remember all the background from the other books (1), I'm sad this series is supposedly over (1), Atwater-Rhodes is such a guilty pleasure of mine (1), works pretty well as a road trip novel (1), I think I'd rather revisit the Earth My Butt and Other Round Things characters (1), would have been better if I didn't love Nick & Norah so much (1), there are better my psychiatrist at an institution saved me because I was ready to be saved teen books (1), so much better than Horatio Alger (1), her books are so brief but so full (1), I like Koja better with every new book she puts out (1), romance maybe needed a bit fleshed out (1), set in the mid90s for no reason (1), some plot bits about the boyfriend left laying around (1), seems kind of arbitrarily an adult book (1), isn't the plot just Dear Catastrophe Waitress (1), best friend not a sympathetic character (1), I can see its appeal for middle schoolers (1), Dessen's family stuff is better than her friend/social strata stuff (1), only one annoying comment about nonpreppies (1), adult couple reminded me a lot of the couple in Juno (1), didn't like her last 2 but still willing to give her a shot (1), agent had gushing things to say about it (1), i'm ambivalent towards this book (1), originally published in 1984 and i want to see how dated it is before recommending to patrons (1), sparse language but still affecting (1), kinda yawn (1), even better than I remembered (1), generally awesome (1), I don't know about this one (1), sparse (1), Alita recommended (1), love The Blue Girl (1), Chris Crutcher blurb (1), interesting premise (1), wish it wasn't library bound (1), loved Al Capone Does My Shirts (1), like a fairy tale (1), Gail Giles blurbed (1), better as a theory book (1), might be my favorite of his (1), new Patrick Jones! (1), Alex award winner (1), a pretty good time (1), too much story for one book (1), good historical fiction (1), severely awesome (1), definite road trip material (1), hard to make V sympathetic (1), little too all over the place (1), Christmas road trip home (1), harder to get into (1), really sweet (1), recommended by a coworker (1), sad in parts (1), Mountain Goats shout-out (1), sequel to Empress of the World (1), I heart Sara Ryan (1), sequel to Warrior Heir (1), bit of hoyay (1), good for 8th grade girls (1), deb caletti blurb (1), teenlit classic (1), sequel to No Shame No Fear (1), transparent (1), finally reading (1), cute stuff (1), need to read the sequel (1), nice and fallish (1), mmm bread (1), don't care about continuing (1), Outsiders use kind of gimmicky (1), too much in the story (1), second half was good (1), I heart Jon Savage (1), about to take to a class visit (1), sweet ending (1), I like his later books better (1), bit of a weird ending (1), i heart lileks (1), loved Coupland until j-pod (1), didn't like the narrator (1), really great (1), good for a road trip (1), Lyga gets better and better (1), I've been waiting for this one (1), sweet in all the right parts (1), pretty terrible (1), I actually didn't hate this (1), very strong for a first novel (1), i heart hornby (1), i like the patterns (1), couldn't get through (1), realistic drama (1), who gets to tell whose story (1), issues of authenticity (1), interesting discussion ideas (1), donorboy was excellent as well (1), not bad (1), spooky (1), made of awesome (1), nothing's dated about it except the cover (1), first Trueman I've read (1), cool reference (1), bit too all over the place (1), loved fanboy and goth girl (1), weird and not in the best way (1), interesting time period choice (1), loved the ending (1), love story starts out too slow (1), i dunno (1), interesting structure (1), great love story (1), halfway through (1), looks entertaining (1), amazon excerpt hooked me in (1), Deb Caletti blurbed (1), such a sad ending (1), David Klass blurbed (1), I heart Holly Black (1), weird in a good way (1), definite teen appeal (1), irritating in parts (1), annoying (1), new sarah dessen (1), great start (1), too many problems (1), kinda lame (1), main character doesn't feel 14 (1), satisfying ending (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 14, 2006
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