
own (108), read (71), quilts (28), gift (25), favorite (16), biography (13), early review (13), leadership (12), cooking (8), birding (6), wish list (6), history (6), humor (5), nonfiction (5), math (5), memoir (4), life-changing (3), work (3), minature (3), bible study (3), Christianity (3), science (3), poetry (2), fiction (2), hiking (2), dogs (2), football (2), Denali (1), mistaken identity (1), plane crashes (1), brain injury (1), county music (1), favortie (1), Mt Rainier (1), Bible commentary (1), bloggers (1), oklahoma (1), narcisism (1), devotional (1), bicycle repair (1), bicycle maintenance (1), WW II (1), window treatments (1), Washington (1), Akita (1), Christmas (1), Dallas Cowboys (1), grandparenting (1), peace corps (1), Panama (1), trust (1), decorating (1), heaven (1), Poland (1), appalachia (1), mountaineering (1), motherhood (1), disaster (1), inspirational fiction (1), blogging (1), spiritual (1), autobiography (1), dog (1), Japan (1), baby (1), baseball (1), survival (1), reference (1), faith (1), hell (1), art (1), relationships (1), historical fiction (1), romance (1), demons (1), supernatural (1), friendship (1), mystery (1), music (1), devil (1), falconry (1), brain (1), glass (1), gardening (1), diabetes (1), healthy eating (1), diet (1), health (1), nursing (1), christian life (1), environment (1), self-help (1), aging (1), Holocaust (1), memior (1), cycling (1), quilting (1), africa (1), green (1), Zookeeper (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 5, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
As a military brat and then a military wife, I've moved alot over my lifetime. Books are heavy and I've gotten tired of moving them. So, anticipating the next move, I try to keep the number of books I must own to a small number. If I think I will want to read it again, loan it to friend or need it as a reference, it stays.
Über mich
I'm a mom of three and a granny of 6. I'm retired from an IT career and work part-time at a quilt shop. I love to quilt, read and birding.
Granbury, Texas, USA
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