
A great adventure and magic book about Harry Potter and his friends. (2), Great book. An adventre and magic story. (1), Jem. (1), Amazing book about a girl who had a scholarship but has to stop her schooling to work in the fairy glen sweet factory when her father gets put in prison. (1), A great book about a girl who has to move to Britain from Poland and doesn't finds it hard to fit in. (1), Great book about 4 girls whose mum really wants a little boy when she is about to have another she begs for it to be a boy. (1), About a girl called Sapphire Battersea when her Ida is found out to be her mum she has to leave and Sapphire is so upset. Then it's her turn and sapphire has to go and work with a man called Mr Bunchenan. Will she ever see her mum again. Amazing book. (1), About a girl called Charlotte who does a Victorian project about a girl from the Victorian times. Great book. (1), About a mouse called Wilfred who goes to the high hills. Quite boring. (1), About how the Armadillos came to be. Starting with just a Tortoise and a hedgehog. (1), Hetty Feather is of to find her father but will she choose to stay their or go back to her foster brother (1), About a little boy whose teacher needs something to do for the open day. When he comes up with a cow related idea that is weird but appreciated. (1), A reasonably good book. Horrid Henry gets nits but passes them to everyone else so he has none left. (1), About a little girl and her brother whose mum has left a recorded message for them with stuff like what they need to do and remember in chronological order. (1), About a little girl called Ellen-Jane who gets taken away to be in the circus and meets Hetty Feather. (1), A good book. Quite funny (1), about how to handle your mum. (1), About a girl who has to care for her mum when she gets ill. (1), About a girl called Beauty who is teased at school because of her name and because everyone at school think she is ugly. To make matters worse her and her kind mum have her dad who they never no if he is going to come home angry or not. So Beauty and her (1), About a boy who is being chased by another boy who he annoyed. (1), About some aliens who set chickens free but capture the humans. (1), About a boy who starts bets at school and turns it into a gambling club. (1), A greeat book especially for Tortoise lovers about a Tortoise who was found in a war zone. (1), but the café where he works is not earning him enough money and soon they have to leave the café. (1), A good book about the Clumsies who are little mice. (1), A great book. Harry's back to defeat Voldermort. (1), Amazing book for all ages (1), Especially for Jacqueline Wilson lovers. (1), A great adventurous book. (1), A great Cathy Cassidy book. (1), A good book. About a boy who eats a lucky chicken. (1), Really good book about a girl who is teased at school until she makes a new friend called Tanya who is very naughty. (1), Funny book about a girl called Agatha whose friend (1), Martha gets sick one day from eating octopus paste. Her teacher said if the whole class could get to the end of term without being ill they could go and see the mummies at a museum so Agatha and her friend Ivy [who is mad] make a fake Martha out of a ball (1), a duvet and Martha's coat. (1), A book about a girl who has a magic finger. When she is angry her finger glows red and punishes the person who made her angry. (1), Good book. About a girl who's mum and sister and her have to move out on her mums boyfriend. They end up in a dingy flat. (1), A great book. All about how they made the film and the actors in it. (1), A great book. Especially good for Tortoise lovers. About a man who loves the lady below in his flats but is to shy to ask her to marry him. All the ladies love goes to her small Tortoise Alfie (1), but she just wishes he was a bit bigger. (1), A selection of stories about different children with worries. (1), Great book about a girl who's parents split up. Andrea/Andy (the suitcase kid) has to go from her mums house every week but they live with new family most of which Andy doesn't like. She has to cope going through the ups and downs of life with her sylvali (1), A great book about a girl called Tracy who lives in a care home and dreams one day her mum will come and take her home. (1), Great book by Jaqueline Wilson about her as a child. (1), Really good book. Adventure and magic about Harry Potter. Hogwarts is holding the triwizard tournament. It has three tasks you have to do. (1), A good book about a girl called Floss. Floss's birthday is here and her mum has some news. They are going to live in Australia for 6 months because her mums boyfriend has got a job out there but Floss realizes that she will have to leave her dad behind. S (1), About a zebra who gets captured by romans and put in the circus. then he fights back when the gladiators try to kill him. (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Sep 24, 2014

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