
non-fiction (160), popular fiction (151), fiction (112), mystery (53), crime (41), music (32), historical fiction (31), reference (27), garden (25), humour (20), photography (18), children's lit (14), biography (12), poetry (12), history (12), Canadian (11), thriller (11), philosophy (10), Fiction (10), English Literature (9), adventure (9), birds (8), travel (7), British (7), Africa (6), criticism (6), suspense (6), english language (5), politics (5), police procedural (5), ancient Egypt (5), piano (5), how-to (4), indoor (4), education (4), Ottawa (4), social commentary (4), ancient Rome (4), spycraft (4), Historical fiction (4), forensics (4), computers (4), human rights (3), opera (3), Reference (3), courtroom drama (3), technical (3), architecture (3), science (3), psychic (2), how to (2), essays (2), U.K. (2), household (2), religion (2), sport (2), legal (2), art (2), action (2), oversize books (2), Oversize books (2), theology/religion/spiritual (2), language (2), health (2), legal thriller (2), juvenile (2), detective (2), crime drama (2), political action (2), short stories (2), espionage (2), encyclopedia (2), spy (2), political philosophy (2), medical (2), British mystery (2), Rome (2), letters (2), Popular fiction (2), voice (2), memoirs (2), 19th Century (1), political (1), Scotland (1), computers. operating system (1), United Kingdom (1), UK (1), word processor (1), mythological (1), true crime (1), Alexander the Great (1), Canada (1), Botswana (1), music commentary (1), photography art (1), U.S. Navy (1), epistolary (1), political drama (1), trade union rights (1), ancient history (1), lit (1), Egypt (1), Mystery (1), England 14th Century (1), police women (1), Nazi Germany aftermath (1), historical base (1), suspense; medical technology (1), Lucas Davenport mystery (1), mythical Troy (1), forensic pathology/anthropology (1), Canada 17th Century (1), poular fiction (1), Victorian mystery (1), hostage-taking (1), digital photography editing (1), Canadian (Winnipeg) (1), Australian/English (1), UK setting (for the most part) (1), Nothe American Indians (1), love / friendship (1), Butch Karp series (1), building cathedrals (1), historical Fiction (1), DCI Alan Banks (1), Photography (1), Greek (1), lacrosse (1), hockey history (1), Poetry (1), Humour (1), Autobiography (1), Art (1), Latin America (1), Ancient Rome (1), British Crime (1), ancient Greece (1), Aristotle (1), Regency Romance (1), Davenport (1), Canadian lit (1), Aboriginals (1), Christian church (1), British police mystery (1), homemanagement (1), columns (1), related (1), visual art (1), revolution (1), law (1), lawyers (1), commerce (1), nature (1), autobiography (1), anthropological (1), military (1), criminology (1), fairy tales (1), British humour (1), Afghanistan (1), trees (1), business (1), cooking (1), 17th century (1), engineering (1), humorous essays (1), political satire (1), spy thriller (1), Holocaust (1), games (1), juvenile literature (1), movies (1), comedy (1), prose (1), women (1), ethics (1), performance (1), pop fiction (1), Ireland (1), police (1), trade (1), historical (1), puzzles (1), theology (1), murder mystery (1), feminism (1), archaeology (1), novel (1), detectives (1), oversize (1), singing (1), craftsmanship (1), 12th Century England (1), British crime (1), non fiction (1), interior design (1), Isabel Dalhousie (1), historical ficition (1), fitness (1), fauna (1), drama (1), insects and spiders (1), visual (1), Seer (1), New France (1), directory (1), book of days (1), digital photography (1), Acadia (1), Giller Prize winner (1), Sean Dillon (1), international intrigue (1), English dictionary (1), computer science (1), short-stories (1), submarines (1), ageing (1), aging (1), UN (1), simplicity (1), sports (1), macro (1), Maine (1), gardening (1), British murder mystery (1), fictio (1), pedagogy (1), mystery suspense (1), workshop (1), forensic anthropology (1), action-thriller (1), Quebec (1), children's (1), Candian author (1), Surete de Quebec (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 18, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Bob Barker
Über meine Bibliothek
This is the current catalogue of the library of Betty Jo and Bob Barker of Ottawa,Canada. When the cataloguing is finished it will contain the books we, for one reason or another, want to keep. Some of them, especially the popular fiction, we believe should be re-cycled among friends who also read popular fiction - in other words, we will continue a long-time practice of just giving them away when we have finished with them - very un-librarian-like!
Über mich
I was a teacher of English Literature and History and subsequently the Director (for more than 28 years) of International Programmes of the Canadian Teachers' Federation. I am retired in Ottawa. My wife, Betty Jo, is a former librarian and is a music teacher (piano performance).
Ottawa, ON Canada

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