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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Nov 20, 2006
Über meine Bibliothek
Need more SHELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A book is a complete package, from dust jacket to binding design, frontispiece to colophon. Nothing ruins a good read like a badly chosen or poorly set typeface. There is not a single book from my childhood that I could not still tell you who was the illustrator--more than I can say for the author of the prose! It is equally important to give authorial attribution to the illustrator of a work.
Über mich
B.A. in Communication Graphics(Advertising) and Art History.
Yes, I did the time. (M.L.S.,1991) But I got sidelined into IT. Spent a year in Book Arts Master's program.
Huntsville, Alabama
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