
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Mar 17, 2011
Bürgerlicher Name
Lauren Eschwie
Über meine Bibliothek
I'm a voracious omnivore when it comes to the types of books I read and how fast I read them. I'm currently not as organized as I'd like since I recently moved back to the states and much of my library is in storage while I'm getting myself situated in the US again. My collection definitely centers pretty heavily around fiction, with a fair amount of that hovering on the edges of the realm of SciFi/Fantasy. In fact, the current library list I'm working from is a bit out of date, but I'm working on that. There's a lot more contemporary fiction and a healthy amount of non-fiction in my library these days, and this list will reflect that soon enough.
Über mich
I'm a recently returned ex-pat (former EFL teacher) pursuing a career in book publishing. Right now I'm mostly interested in craft books, particularly knitting pattern books, but I love to read many genres. I am, needless to say, interested in knitting, but I also love to travel, try new foods, go dancing, and dabble in photography. What I love the most though is laughing with friends. There are few things in life that bring me as much joy as that.
Bridgewater, NJ
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