
Discworld (12), nonfiction (6), class (5), informative (4), City Watch (4), Terry Pratchett (4), satire (3), hope (3), capitalism (3), informational (3), racism (3), police (2), wealth (2), psychology (2), anatomy (2), Moist von Lipwig (2), epistolary (2), medicine (2), humanity (2), economic philosophy (2), ethics (2), human anatomy (2), historical fiction (2), family (2), history (2), health (2), human perseverance (2), banks (1), insect behavior (1), enzymes (1), history of medicine (1), philosophy (1), korean history (1), gun violence (1), coup (1), palestine (1), black american history (1), policing (1), the arts (1), profit (1), emotional abuse (1), zionism (1), amusement parks (1), nuclear bomb (1), mystery (1), Kurt Vonnegut (1), classic western literature (1), marine biomes (1), art and immortality (1), history of health science (1), domestic strife (1), history of anatomy (1), insect anatomy (1), HeLa cells (1), global pandemic (1), genre satire (1), technological advancement (1), epidemic (1), science and nature (1), degenerative disease (1), American south (1), israel (1), UK (1), interviews (1), power (1), biochemistry (1), medical ethics (1), advocacy (1), 80's (1), insects (1), fantasy satire (1), academia (1), poverty (1), mental illness (1), research (1), cult (1), authoritarianism (1), dictatorship (1), socialism (1), politics (1), survival (1), graphic novel (1), scandal (1), greed (1), christianity (1), animals (1), romance (1), science (1), college (1), high school (1), comedy (1), horror (1), speculative fiction (1), supernatural (1), short (1), redemption (1), possession (1), biology (1), arms race (1), the west (1), industrial (1), weaponry (1), physiology (1), friendship (1), domestic abuse (1), corporations (1), finance (1), man and nature (1), misogyny (1), family dynamics (1), biographical fiction (1), crime novel (1), eastern european (1), latin america (1), science fiction (1), ecology (1), marine life (1), nature (1), sea (1), Shakespeare (1), guns in society (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Mar 12, 2024
Über meine Bibliothek

personal catalogue; wont list every single book i own or have read, just the ones that stand out to me personally

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