
Maritime (246), Cruising (117), World War One (60), Naval History (59), Canals (48), Tall Ships (42), R.N.V.R. (33), History (31), Yacht Design (30), Maritime History (30), England (30), Donald Maxwell (28), Maritime Fiction (24), Roger Pilkington (23), Motor Launch (22), Naval Architecture (21), Zeebrugge (19), Edward Keble Chatterton (18), Submarines (17), Tools (16), Arthur Watts (15), Biography (14), Woodworking (14), Walking (13), Humour (12), Autobiography (12), California (11), Racing (11), Gordon S. Maxwell (11), World War Two (11), War (10), Boatbuilding (10), London (9), San Francisco (9), Rhine Occupation (8), Napoleonic Wars (7), Music (7), Patrick O'Brian (7), Religion (7), Grain Trade (6), Rhine Flotilla (5), Whaling (5), Nelson (5), Camping (5), Canoes (5), Religious History (5), Women at Sea (4), Shackleton (4), Hornblower (4), Jesus Studies (4), Jesus (4), Gold Rush (4), Albert Strange (3), Seamanship (3), Boat Ownership (3), Elco (3), Rupert Hart-Davis (3), Poetry (3), Fishing (3), Book Collecting (3), Books (3), Surveying (3), Travel (3), Pirates (3), Small Craft (3), Science Fiction (3), Guitar (2), Architecture (2), U.S. History (2), Espionage (2), Steam Punk (2), Small Boats (2), Historical Fiction (2), World War One Naval (2), World War Two Naval (2), Yachts and Yachting (2), Sub-Chaser (2), Book Binding (2), Paris (2), Rigging (2), Medieval History (2), Mariner's Library (2), Woodcraft (2), House Construction (2), Herreshoff (2), Religious Art (1), Merchant Marine (1), Shipwrecks (1), Arctic Exploration (1), Remodeling (1), Shipwreck (1), Self-Sufficiency (1), Yachting (1), Women in History (1), Boat Building (1), Gnostic Gospels (1), Arts & Crafts Design (1), Cooking (1), Music Theory (1), Children's Fiction (1), Shop (1), Falklands War (1), Spanish-American War (1), Atlas (1), Railroad (1), Religious Studies (1), San Francsico (1), Farming (1), Wisconsin (1), New England (1), Technology (1), Cold War (1), France (1), Book Repair (1), Destroyers (1), Geology (1), Fiction (1), Photography (1), Naval Fiction (1), Biology (1), Food (1), Anthropology (1), Literature (1), Rupert Harte-Davis (1), St. Paul (1), Lumbering (1), Dover Patrol (1), House Building (1), Lumber Industry (1), American Revolution (1), U.S. Navy (1), Crabbing (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
May 3, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Jeffrey Charles
Über meine Bibliothek
A few thousand books focused primarily on small boat sailing/cruising, boat-building, and naval history. If you've ever come across Toy's "Adventurer's Afloat" you'll know what I collect.

I tend to focus on a range of individuals not always (though often) writing in a maritime context: E. Keble Chatterton, Frank Cowper, E.F. Knight, Donald Maxwell, Gordon S. Maxwell, Charles Pears, and Arthur Watts to name a few. In addition to writing their own books, these men were often talented, prolific artist/illustrators whose works graced the pages of many a book and magazine. The common thread is that they were all sailors of a corinthian nature in the years between about 1880 and 1914.

I will continue to add books to this list - I've added all of the ISBN-enabled books in my local BookCollector database - but it'll be a slow process given the manual nature of things.
Über mich
Father, book collector, sailor, sometime boat-builder, woodworker, computer user, cook, bad guitarist, whiskey drinker (that's bourbon to you and me).

The picture is entitled "Patrol boats off Sidon" from "The Last Crusade" by Donald Maxwell.
Vallejo, CA

