Über meine Bibliothek
I have some books in my library that I haven't read or started to read, but haven't finished yet. I know that I will read these books at some time or finish reading them soon. In my library I have mainly fantasy and fiction books. I love the books by Tamora Pierce and I hope to add some more of her books to my library soon. I plan to read the Circle of Magic and the one or two other quartets. I also plan to finish reading some of the books I have in my library. Also, I have read more books than the books in my library, but I can't remember their titles because some are ones I read quickly from the library.
Über mich
I really love to read,listen to music, do stuff outside and inside. I also like to play sports and other stuff like that. My favorite author is Tamora Pierce, as you might have seen already if you looked in my library. I like mainly action/adventure books and lots of fantasy. I have always wanted to have my own library in my house with a rolling ladder. I would want to have three walls full of shelves of books and the other wall would have places to sit. Also my library would have a secret passage somewhere in it that almost no one would know about.
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