
Lite and Fun (5), Pedagogy (3), plot readers (2), colonialism (2), Biafran (2), Memory (2), WISHLIST (2), wishlist (1), Cute. Try another Edgerton at beach. (1), Pair with Huck Finn (1), Pair with Giovanni's Room. No plot. Great for sophisticated AP class. Photos (1), homosexuality/otherness (1), help. Possibly Nabokov's Mary. (1), Series must be read consecutively (1), Good Girl Book (1), Names/ naming (milkman (1), See TED Talks on AKIVA founder discussion. Also (1), the bible); the role of ghosts (how to bury the dead/ideas and people); the journey (milkman's journey); female characters sacrificed for male's realization; (1), Use with names/labeling. . Do we become our name/label - or do we earn our name/label? Read with Sway and diagnostic issues. (1), Melinda Gates on Coca-Cola works. (1), Great collection of short stories. Good for teaching short story craft. (1), Journey (not appropriate for hs) (good book group) (1), Short story: horses (good for hs) (1), Colonial/Catholism (1), Gay teen (1), Did not like the audio version. Prefer reading Bryson. (1), NOT for plot readers. Language (1), Great YA. Good girl book. (1), Awesome book for structure conversation. Brillantly put together. Painful book for independent read. (1), Ok. Not awesome. A bit preachy. (1), collective and individual (1), Teachable with Postman - Defending the indefensible. (1), SA - plot reading (1), Interesting read (1), journey (1), storytelling (1), diaspora (1), unreliable narrators (1), Nigeria (1), short stories (1), Boys Book (1), Hamlet (1), entertaining (1), YA (1), African American Gay Fiction (1), role of storyteller v. reader -- fiction is marriage of two (1), good characters (1), Nigerian (1), strong voice (1), Zim (1), macon dead (1), teachable (1), Teachable (1), Teachable -- would not recommend to plot readers (1), For Guys (1), quest (1), put it down. Slow (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
May 25, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
These are strictly books I have read since starting on Librarything. I use Librarything as a way to record what I have read and to get recommendations for future readings. My ratings will appear high -- but it simply means that I choose carefully what I spend my precious free time reading. It is also an indication that Librarything is working.
Über mich
I'm a reformed attorney that loves being a high school English teacher.
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