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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 2, 2006
Über meine Bibliothek
I rate books on this scale:

1 star - I wasted my time reading it; I hated it. Poor writing, stupid plot, etc.

2 stars - I didn't enjoy it very much, but I didn't downright hate it.

3 stars - I'm rather indifferent to it. It was ok, but I didn't find anything wonderfully redeeming in it; I didn't learn from it, etc, or perhaps the story was good but it was written poorly, etc.

4 stars - I really liked it. It was either an interesting read (a page turner) or it gave me lots to think about. The writing itself was pretty good too. I don't need to own this book, and I might not reread it, but otherwise, pretty good.

5 stars - Amazing book. It really touched me or taught me. Writing was suberb. I probably want to own this book and/or reread it.

I currently use LibraryThing to track the books I read, but in the future, I will also be using it to catalog my collection of owned books.
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