
CHILDREN'S BOOKS (265), FICTION (175), CHRISTIAN LIVING (174), BIBLE STUDY/COMMENTARIES (110), DOCTRINE/THEOLOGY (64), YOUNG ADULT (43), PARENTING (42), CHURCH (42), PRAYER/MEDITATION (37), INSPIRATIONAL BIOGRAPHY (36), CHRISTIAN LIVING-WOMEN (36), MARRIAGE (34), biography (34), FAMILY MOVIES-VHS (28), RESTORATION MOVEMENT (27), CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (24), FAMILY LIFE (24), JESUS (24), CHILDREN'S DVD (23), COUNSELING/SELF-HELP (22), CHURCH HISTORY (21), GRIEF/SUFFERING (21), CHRISTIAN LIVING-MEN (21), MISSIONS/OUTREACH (19), HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY (18), COMPARATIVE RELIGION (18), VeggieTales (17), RELATIONSHIPS (17), DEVOTIONAL (16), APOLOGETICS (15), AFTERLIFE/ENDTIMES (13), CHURCH LEADERSHIP (13), HOLY SPIRIT (12), BASIC CHRISTIANITY (10), graphic novel (9), John (8), CHRISTIANITY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES (8), WORSHIP (8), MARRIAGE-DVD (8), CREATION (8), STEWARDSHIP/FINANCE (8), Romans (7), Old Testament (7), Mormonism (7), CHILDREN'S VHS (7), Revelation (6), small groups (6), FAITH (6), Genesis (6), DEVOTIONAL-WOMEN (6), music (6), missionaries (6), YOUNG ADULT-VHS (5), teenagers (5), Mark (5), gender roles (5), Acts (4), sex (4), attention deficit disorder (4), Galatians (3), Ephesians (3), hermeneutics (3), Matthew (3), motherhood (3), Jesus (3), REFERENCE (3), courtship (3), theodicy (3), emerging church (3), Peter (2), James (2), cancer (2), God (2), homosexuality (2), Gospels (2), Philippians (2), Jeremiah (2), Amish (2), Job (2), China (2), Psalms (2), parenting (2), Jehovah's Witnesses (2), relationships (2), communion (2), gender equality (2), CHILDREN'S REFERENCE (2), SPIRITUAL WARFARE (2), anger (2), Hebrews (2), Philemon (2), rejection (1), baptism (1), memoir (1), Parables (1), persecuted church (1), Afghanistan (1), minor prophets (1), COMPARATIVE RELIGION-VHS (1), Pauline epistles (1), fasting (1), books (1), Samuel Lamb (1), adoption (1), South America (1), early reviewer copy (1), read 2013 (1), human rights (1), pregnancy (1), INSPIRATIONAL BIOGRAPHY-VHS (1), Mary (1), MARRIAGE-VHS (1), gratitude (1), marriage (1), women's book club (1), STEWARDSHIP (1), church (1), politics (1), communism (1), New Testament (1), grace (1), CREATION-VHS (1), Pentateuch (1), Hell (1), young women (1), Lydia (1), poverty (1), wives (1), gospels (1), Ruth (1), Islam (1), JESUS-VHS (1), abortion (1), personal finance (1), Christian community (1), Rahab (1), women in ministry (1), Book of Ruth (1), 1st Thessalonians (1), young adults (1), thankfulness (1), Joseph (1), Exodus (1), Proverbs (1), 1 & 2 Timothy (1), house churches (1), Bathsheba (1), purity (1), Tamar (1), 1st Timothy (1), 1st John (1), Judah (1), pornography (1), 1st Corinthians (1), inductive method (1), 2 Corinthians (1), Colossians (1), Leviticus (1), Acts of the Apostles (1), honesty (1), Moses (1), PARENTING-VHS (1), divorce (1), political prisoners (1), Paul (1), Luke (1), children's ministry (1), Thessalonians (1), Catholicism (1), scripture (1), parables (1), youth ministry (1), cancer patients (1), Ecuador (1), capital punishment (1), Mozambique (1), communication (1), social issues (1), adultery (1), Philippines (1), Easter (1), sex education (1), conversion stories (1), decision making (1), 1 Corinthians (1), Titus (1), family (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 28, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Tempe Church, a church of Christ
Über meine Bibliothek
The church library is located in the education building and is open any time the building is open. The library is self-service -- just use the checkout notebook to borrow materials. When you return them, please cross out your name in the notebook and reshelve the materials.

The collection is organized in general categories and is color-coded. Just inside the door, there is a color chart to guide you. The tags in all caps that you see here on LibraryThing indicate the category where the item is shelved.
Tempe, AZ
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