
novel (37), family (17), fiction (13), great (13), sociology (11), nonfiction (10), good (10), awesome (9), history (8), very good (8), love (7), parenting (7), loss (7), slavery (6), death (6), Novel (5), fantastic (5), feminism (4), disturbing (4), non-fiction (4), religion (4), NY (4), historical fiction (3), life (3), hilarious (3), marriage (3), siblings (3), feminist (3), families (3), ny (3), identity (3), memior (3), childhood (3), eh (3), mystery (3), 911 (3), really good (2), adulthood (2), poverty (2), politics (2), lonliness (2), guilt (2), family dysfunction (2), motherhood (2), survival (2), sin (2), middle east (2), women's issues (2), belonging (2), homeschooling (2), magic (2), ireland (2), suffering (2), Brooklyn (2), cops (2), fantasy (2), 30s (2), stories (2), amazing (2), The Mystery of Edwin Drood (2), secrets (2), art (2), catholicism (2), thriller (2), friendship (2), suspense (2), children (2), writing (2), everyday struggles (1), freethinkers (1), pain (1), sleep needs (1), childraising (1), working moms (1), initmacy (1), meth (1), sibling viewpoints (1), homelessness (1), inverse power of praise (1), inner-workings (1), New Ireland (1), terrorism motherhood grief loss London (1), homeschooling resource (1), what's a normal childhood? love (1), Dominican Republic (1), Ozarks (1), integrity (1), nature/nurture (1), death& nature (1), twin towers (1), missing children (1), clocks (1), desires (1), popularity (1), short stories (1), overpopulation (1), circus life (1), nonfiction? (1), memoir (1), office life (1), blame (1), women's relationships (1), peers (1), very strange (1), conviction (1), coping with death (1), bonding (1), benign neglect (1), appetite (1), class and status (1), early education (1), parenting myths (1), historic (1), change (1), fairytale (1), Fantastic (1), depression-era south (1), Family (1), Hemingway (1), Historical fiction (1), surprisingly awesome (1), kinda trashy (1), Deception (1), 19th century America (1), The old West (1), native-Americans (1), War (1), Loss (1), south Africa (1), Good (1), Little Women (1), mystery? (1), gender expectations (1), "family" (1), identity. (1), pre-adolescence (1), simplistic; lost interest halfway through & ditched it (1), French (1), History (1), ghost story-ish (1), tragedy (1), happiness (1), story collection. Wow (1), religion; A little over my head (1), twins. Good! (1), folktales (1), indians (1), God (1), scotish highlands (1), south (1), reality/fantasy (1), Dickens' wife (1), Really great (1), sad & surprising (1), England (1), Modern Hamlet (1), fictionalized memoir (1), Denmark (1), Africa (1), being human (1), modern vampires (1), about literature (1), Tuscaloosa (1), British (1), 1800 (1), Martha's Vineyard (1), suicide (1), funny (1), dystopian (1), society (1), freedom (1), sex (1), haunting (1), madness (1), memory (1), nyc (1), runaways (1), education (1), bravery (1), insanity (1), humanity (1), gender (1), isolation (1), quirky (1), wow (1), 19th century (1), 18th century (1), class differences (1), racism (1), race (1), storytelling (1), comics (1), fathers (1), grief (1), youth (1), witchcraft (1), orphans (1), classic (1), ghosts (1), high school (1), teens (1), detective (1), war (1), bullying (1), adolescence (1), okay (1), 1930s (1), romance (1), depression (1), violence (1), relationships (1), Ireland (1), time (1), animals (1), kidnapping (1), France (1), faith (1), lies (1), race relations (1), infidelity (1), music industry (1), purpose (1), porn (1), puritans (1), Colonial America (1), Early America (1), communication (1), home education (1), internet (1), fathers & sons (1), aging (1), living (1), newspapers (1), mistakes (1), disfunction (1), horror-ish (1), plantations (1), connection (1), Nigeria (1), wealth & poverty (1), man & nature (1), possession (1), epilepsy (1), connected stories (1), so-so (1), abduction (1), reason (1), novella (1), meaning (1), responsibility (1), victorians (1), autism (1), development (1), nature (1), mortality (1), immigrants (1), beauty (1), incest (1), germany (1), the sea (1), regret (1), transgender (1), genocide (1), child molestation (1), island life (1), 9/11 (1), ghost story (1), fantasy (?) (1), misunderstanding (1), 17th century (1), poets (1), 60s (1), outdoors (1), funny? futuristic (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Nov 3, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
I probably average about a book or so a week for myself, plus the chapter books (like Harry Potter, Paddington, etc) that my son and I read aloud together. But I'm only listing books I've really enjoyed, because I use LibraryThing mostly for its recommendations.
Über mich
I'm a stay-at-home mom, freelance writer and former reporter.

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