
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jul 20, 2010
Über meine Bibliothek
I started my home library when my granddaughter was born almost 12 years ago. We began with Dr. Seuss and as the years went by the library has grown to almost 2,000 books and my granddaughter; in 5th grade was reading at the 9th grade level. We are so fortunate to have a huge family room downstairs. Overstuffed chairs and couches, walls lined with Amish bookshelves and decorated with framed art of children reading. We've added a cozy retreat to our property - a cedar cottage complete with day bed, fireplace, lighting and BOOKS! It's a great way to spend a winter day with a good book - no phones - no interruptions. I bequeath my library to my youngest son who is an amazing young man who is married to an equally amazing young schoolteacher. He says okay as long as he gets the house as well. Otherwise he won't have room for the books!
Über mich
I am a semi-retired grandmother of three, married to a fully retired grandfather of the same three. We live in a village in Illinois near the Wisconsin border. Rather than empty nest, we filled our home with our two passions - books and animals. Daisy is a white boxer, 9 years old and born without eardrums. She's the reason for the sign language books in our library and while she's quite good at reading sign, she can't quite grasp two way conversations. We have a homeless cat (UN-homeless for almost three years) and her two babies (almost three years old). We tried, we really tried to find homes, but no one seemed quite right for them. Life is good for all occupants here!

