
Women (10), Latin (8), Medieval (8), Primary Source (7), Dictionary (6), Early Medieval (5), German (4), women (4), Hagiography (4), Celtic (4), Old English (3), Middle English Literature (3), Chaucer (3), Wales (3), Biography (3), Late Medieval (3), Margery Kempe (3), Welsh History (2), Culinary Arts (2), Anglo-Saxon (2), Pop Culture (2), Herbs (2), medieval literature (2), Vikings (2), Sexuality (2), Jewish Experience (2), Judaica (2), Religious Thought (2), Mythology (2), Buffy (2), Beer (1), Hebrew (1), Irish (1), Mary (1), Writing (1), Politics (1), Renaissance (1), Children (1), Religion (1), Archaeology (1), Prostitution (1), Calligraphy (1), Eroticism (1), black binder (1), Black Binder (1), Hobsbawm (1), middle english literature (1), Deviance (1), Shakespeare Criticism (1), Literary Terms (1), Jazz History (1), Religious Life (1), Feminism (1), Financial Planning (1), Cohen (1), Intellectual (1), Faeries (1), Masculinity (1), Redknap (1), Social Theory (1), Medieval Literature (1), Welsh (1), Literature (1), Roman History (1), Bunnett (1), Holiday (1), Unseelie (1), Yiddish (1), Tocqueville (1), Livy (1), late medieval (1), Crafts (1), Alfred (1), Augustine (1), Early Modern Literature (1), RPG (1), femininity (1), Illumination (1), early modern (1), French Revolution (1), Grammar (1), primary source (1), Writers (1), Beowulf (1), medieval (1), medieval art (1), Davies (1), Latin Training (1), England (1), Male-ness (1), Theory of Childhood (1), Saits (1), 19th century historiography (1), Muscial Instruments (1), Children's Literature (1), London (1), Norse Saga (1), women writers (1), Gwynedd (1), Scottish History (1), Charlemagne (1), Boethius (1), Medieval Literary Criticism (1), Marianism (1), Aries (1), Central Middle Ages (1), Peasantry (1), Welsh history (1), heraldry - ceremony (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Dec 7, 2006
Über meine Bibliothek
I think my library bears witness to the time I've spent in university. I'm in my twelfth year of post-secondary education, and I've studied different areas - but I think you'll see the emphasis. Also I'm studying Adult Education now, too.
Über mich
I'm a Recorded Information Management Officer at MTO, after graduating with an MLIS in archival studies at McGill University (Montreal, Quebec). I love medieval history, and completed an MA studying medieval Wales. For pleasure I generally read Science Fiction/Fantasy, and I'm hoping to write Ero-Lit. at some point.
St. Catharines, Ontario (Canada)
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