
Über meine Bibliothek
This is my library dedicated to books that I have read that I do not own. Because I choose to only buy books that I have already read and want to reread, my personal library is not indicative of my tastes as there are lots of books that I read once, thoroughly enjoy, but have no desire to read again.

This library is designed to allow me a place to keep track of everything that I read, so that when I do want to read something again, or find another book by an author I have enjoyed, I have a place to find that information.

TBR = to be read
RMTO = read more than once

* = badly written, did not enjoy
** = well written, did not enjoy
*** = enjoyed, probably will not read again
**** = enjoyed, probably will read again
***** = one of my favourites, destined to become part of my permanent collection
Über mich
You can read about me on the official twilightlost profile page.
Vancouver, British Colombia

