
cookbooks (79), fantasy (48), worlds: valdemar (26), fiction (10), boarding school stories (8), restaurant recommendations (7), beverages (6), party planning (6), sci-fi (6), cuisine: healthy (6), series: harry potter (6), worlds: austin family (5), food writing (5), meal: desserts (5), series: oaths quartet (4), cuisine: italian (4), worlds: terre d'ange (4), cuisine: new england (4), cuisine: fusion (4), restaurants: boston (3), cuisine: french (3), series: owls trilogy (3), characters: darian (3), celebrities: jamie oliver (3), cuisine: asian (3), cuisine: japanese (3), ingredients: chicken (3), series: the last herald-mage trilogy (3), series: his dark materials trilogy (3), ingredients: chocolate (3), cuisine: californian (3), techniques: easy (3), series: the mage storms trilogy (3), characters: talia (3), characters: tarma and kethry (3), characters: elspeth (3), series: the mage winds trilogy (3), anthologies (3), characters: phedre (3), characters: vanyel (3), series: arrows trilogy (3), culture: jewish (2), cuisine: latin (2), cuisine: filipino (2), cuisines: world (2), ingredients: pasta (2), cuisine: jewish (2), cuisine: vegetarian (2), celebrities: ming tsai (2), restaurants: montreal (2), mixed drinks (2), characters: keisha (2), techniques: microwave (2), historical (2), characters: alberich (2), cuisine: thai (2), worlds: o'keefe family (2), ingredients: essential oils (1), cuisine: mediterranean (1), art: georgia o'keeffe (1), meals: appetizers (1), art: monet (1), dish: cake (1), cuisine: indonesian (1), cuisines: street food (1), dish: salads (1), photography: bangladesh (1), cuisine: chinese (1), cuisine: raw food (1), photography: architecture (1), ingredients: herbs and spices (1), cuisine: caribbean (1), travel: california (1), photography: shanghai (1), techniques: stir-fry (1), photography: malaysia (1), restaurants: new england (1), restaurants: nantucket (1), cuisine: americana (1), cuisine: west coast (1), cuisine: hawaiian (1), magical realism (1), celebrities: roy yamaguchi (1), characters: lavan firestorm (1), restaurants: san francisco (1), cuisine: british isles (1), characters: imriel (1), politics: food (1), travel: southeast asia (1), celebrity: nigella (1), ingredients: tofu (1), worlds: star wars (1), characters: kerowyn (1), short stories (1), cuisine: indian (1), tour guides (1), tie-ins (1), dish: bread (1), photography (1), cuisine: cambodian (1), cuisine: american (1), art: anatomy (1), celebrities: sarah mclachlan (1), boston (1), cuisine: mexican (1), techniques: baking (1), poetry (1), series: narnia (1), characters: skif (1), cuisine: southern (1), ingredients: couscous (1), cuisine: new orleans (1), ingredients: rice (1), cuisine: world (1), ingredients: noodles (1), celebrities: nobu (1), photography: the bay area (1), antique books (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 12, 2006
Über meine Bibliothek
Dominated by cookbooks and high fantasy with a healthy side of sci-fi, art books, and technology texts.
Über mich
Thinks that every evening should be capped off with half an hour at a local bookstore. Is pleased as punch that she lives within walking distance of FIFTEEN of them.
Camberville, MA
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