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Lokale Favoriten

Buchhandlungen: Barefoot Books, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Brookline, Brookline Booksmith, Curious George Goes to Wordsworth, Globe Corner Bookstore, Grolier Poetry Bookshop, Harvard Book Store, Israel Book Shop, Lame Duck Books, Lorem Ipsum Books, New England Mobile Book Fair, Pandemonium Books and Games, Porter Square Books, Raven Used Books, Seven Stars Book Store, The Harvard Coop

Bibliotheken: Andover-Harvard Theological Library - Harvard Divinity School, Beatley Library - Simmons College, Boston Public Library, Cambridge Public Library - Main Branch, Cambridge Public Library - O'Connell Branch, Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library - Harvard College Library, MIT Science Fiction Society, Newton Free Library

Sonstige: Museum of Fine Arts (museum and shop), Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (museum and shop)