
the Trojan Horse (2), Retells the ancient Greek myth in a way that is accessible to younger children. Explains the myth and story of how we got the seasons from Persephone in a fun and simple story. (1), homes. Comprehensive text and explanations. Artifacts are also presented. (1), stuadiums (1), Pictures and illustrations of Greek architecture and ingineering from the ancient times: towns (1), of Persephone (1), beautifully retold and illustrated. Includes the tales of Icarus' dangerous flight (1), This is a collection of twenty tales from classical Greek mythology (1), All you need to have when making a research on Greek culture and mythology. A friendly child user book. Suitable for elementary and up. (1), Facts and details about the gods and goddesses the ancient Greeks believed in. The way religion influenced the amazing Greek civilzation. (1), war (1), farmong (1), and examples with captions and facts to support them. (1), A non-fiction book with table of contents and index. Each page is dedicated to one heading which is carefully described in a brief paragraph. The pages are decorated with photographs (1), and index to take readers through the journey of Greece. Presents this information as if it were a modern day travel guide making all of the information less threatening and more relevant for children in grades two to four. Discusses the political and mil (1), This book includes timelines (1), which gives students practice with using the glossary. (1), Short stories are given after every picture in this book to describe facts about ancient and modern day Greece. Definitions are given very simply on the pages and more detailed definitions are given in the glossary (1), The story of life in the Ancient Greek army is described. The book describes how the Greeks were determined to defeat the Persians and all the hardships and obstacles that they faced. Through narrative descriptions this book tells the history and details (1), from his birth to his death. Gives detailed accounts of all the happenings and hardships that he faces. Gives young readers an idea of the heroism that this God represents. (1), This book tells the story of the strong hero (1), Facts about ancient Greece presented in an easy way to find and read. Topics like trade (1), and much more. (1), Greek Gods and Goddess highlights fifteen significant myths in Greek culture. McCaughrean does a great job depicting these mythical characters in an easy to understand format. The illustrations in the book are also a great addition. (1), A collection of various children's activities that can be used in order to teach classical civilizations. (1), An in-depth look at the civilization of ancient Greece and the extraordinary legacy it has left us (1), and traditions. (1), including its origins (1), This book presents an interesting view of ancient Greek society (1), beautifully illustrated tales adapted from the Greek mythology. (1), the Olympians and read their short stories. Easy to read (1), Meet the great immortals (1), A book about great heroes and the gods and goddesses who helped them. Exciting myths of ancient Greece for level 3 readers and not only. (1), A comprehensive book about what we have today in our civilization that comes from ancient Greece. (1), A masterfullu written book of one of the best-known Greek myths: the tale of the gorgon Medusa. Gorgeous illustrations! (1), Discover life in ancient Greece and peel back four see-through pages to look at a town house (1), Baucis and Philemon. (1), Here are twelve retold favorite Greek myths about Phaeton (1), and tragedies. (1), his conquests (1), the books gives details about Hercules' life (1), The story of Hercules retold by Kathryn Lasky as if told by the hero himself. Extremely captivating (1), This books presents an international feast. A collection of ethnic recipies from 15 countries including Greece. (1), In this book each double page spread looks at an important part of the ancient Greek way of life and shows some evidence that enables us to reconstruct and understand their culture and everyday life. (1), an open-air theatre and a war ship. (1), the Maestros explain how Greek myths are still told today. The myths tell stories about the adventures of the gods and give explanations of natural events as well as morals. (1), to who was allowed to participate to what was worn Glubok explores it all. (1), religion (1), pronunciation guide (1), Hercules (1), tables (1), and many others. (1), customs (1), Eros (1), public buildings (1), vases (1), King Midas (1), harbors (1), In this book students will learn about Greek's history and culture. Hart and Mantell use a number activities to better explain the lives of the Greeks. The book can be used as a reference to the students. (1), theatres (1), Narcissus (1), sports (1), glossary (1), Psyche (1), music (1), cities (1), society (1), travel (1), An excellent resource for teaching Mythology. Worth-Baker provides several great worksheets that reinforce the mythological stories that were taught. (1), Life and times in Ancient Greece is a great source to learn about farming (1), Here we get to experience the Olympics as they were experienced in 776 when they were first celebrated. From the great sacrifice to Zeus (1), Hercules' 12 labors and many more. The illustrations make the myths even more enjoyable for young children. (1), other sports such as the pankration are no longer played. (1), jumping and running are still played today. However (1), Here we take a look back at the first Olympics in the city of Olympia. Some of the sports that were played in the original Olympics such as boxing (1), interesting perspective to take on. (1), Ancient Greece seeks to help us better understand this brilliant civilization. The books looks at everything through the lens of an archaelogist which is a new (1), As a part of teh National Geographic Investigates series (1), use of democracy and skill in architecture. The Parthenon is a beautiful building and using this book as a reference to that beauty would be a great benefit to students. The Parthenon was not just a building with huge columns but a staple in history. (1), The Parthenon was a symbol for the Athenians' religion (1), A collection of 16 popular myths including Jason and the golden fleece (1), festivals and food in the golden age of Greece. This book describes the everyday life of a typical Greek person to the homes they lived in to the temples they built for their gods. It also describes what they did on their free time (1), In The Story of Religion (1), jewelry and armor that was worn in war. Lots of historical information can be found here. (1), This component of the Eyewitness book series covers a lot of material pertaining to ancient Greece. There are dozens of pictures showing countless artifacts such as statues (1), how and where the Parthenon was built. Todays architecture is greatly influenced by the Greeks and this is a great resource to show students how they did it. (1), A Greek temple focuses on the history and construction of the Parthenon in Athens. The book explains who (1), the gods of Greece and the Olympics. (1), the growth of govenment (1), A simple book with lots of vocabulary terms (a glossary can be found in the back of the book) and helpful pictures. Each chapter deals with important aspects of this great civilization's history including: greek glories (1), like holding Olympic games. (1), a legacy that is still felt in our modern world. (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
May 7, 2010