
novels (262), front room (198), living room (181), bedroom (159), favorites (67), Andy's (61), drama (32), german (32), poetry (26), lit crit (25), short stories (23), antiquities (20), vintage (18), french (17), nonfiction (15), folklore (15), art (11), graphic novels (11), Living Room (11), reference (8), biography (8), hilarious! (6), essays (5), anthology (4), must replace (4), philosophy (4), children's (3), humor (3), cultural crit (3), novellas (2), history (2), HATE (2), a Bit Embarrassing (2), folk art (1), memoirs (1), psychology (1), about language (1), social crit (1), comp theory (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke
Nov 21, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Beth Barnes
Über meine Bibliothek
There are books in every room of my house. I have always loved them. Love smelling them, holding them, opening and shutting, underlining, leafing back and forth, collecting, reading and re-reading. Any time I move, they are the first things I unpack and reorganize. Home is not home without books.

I have an intricate system of organization and display, which includes groupings by genre, and putting the smartest looking books (literary theory, works in German and French, etc...) in the most public spaces, and the most romantic (poetry, Indian lit, vampire and ghost stories, as well as Dickens and Eliot because those are the books from the graduate seminar where I found my future husband) in the bedroom.

I'm always on a quest to find the next author I will have a love affair with. Currently it's Mark Helprin, but I've almost finished everything he's written, and I'm despairing of finding another I will feel so passionate about. Feel free to offer suggestions, if my taste seems familiar to you!
Über mich
I live in Brownsburg (just west of Indianapolis), teach literature part-time at a local urban commuter university, and take care of my three kids: Ethan-13, Simon-6, and Charlotte-3. I have also worked part-time at a local theater for the past fourteen years, and done some freelance writing. I met my husband in film class at the university where I now teach. He was the only person who could ever understand my grad school papers, and offer constructive criticism. He also worked as a barrista in the coffee shop, thus combining my two great passions: book smarts and coffee! I also love winter, sleep, brightly colored glass, vintage velvet coats, chocolate, France and India, Crowded House and opera, and singing new wave hits of the 80s loudly out of the open windows of my minivan.
Brownsburg, Indiana
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