
graphic novel (12), brilliant (10), ARC (6), historical fiction (6), funny (6), sad (5), inspiring (5), sequel (5), fun (5), quick read (5), British (4), chick lit (4), mystery (4), cute (4), vampires (4), grown-up book (4), intense (4), award-winner (3), adorable (3), amazing (3), thriller (3), middle grade read (3), memoir (3), short stories (3), banned book (3), depressing (3), realistic fiction (3), british (3), realistic (3), beautiful (3), nonfiction (3), road trip (2), beard dance (2), series (2), first love (2), heartbreaking (2), hilarious (2), feminist (2), well-written (2), guys read (2), Midwest (2), Iran (2), eerie (2), Holocaust (2), GLBTQ (2), i met the author! (2), fun to read (2), football (2), iran (2), fascinating (2), thoughtful (2), book discussion (2), amusing (2), Mia Thermopolis (2), baseball (2), thought-provoking (2), fast read (2), awesome (2), made into a movie (2), tearfest (2), family (2), werewolves (2), quirky (2), melungeons (1), ACLU (1), African-American (1), lesbian (1), interesting characters (1), Australian (1), death (1), holocaust (1), illustrated (1), YA (1), london (1), afghanistan (1), brooklyn (1), adult/YA crossover (1), i love jack nicholson (1), a guy's read (1), not as good as the first one (1), Red Sox (1), devastatingly sad (1), ripped from the headlines (1), author is from Worcester (1), MR BUFFY! (1), mature YA lit (1), spinal cord injury (1), girls (1), indian (1), to kill a mockingbird (1), controversial (1), cassette tapes (1), Brookline (1), john green (1), amazingly brilliant (1), intriguing (1), moody (1), I went there too! (1), awesome illustrations (1), austism (1), easy read (1), creepy (1), futuristic (1), anxiety (1), Beatrix Potter (1), oh alice (1), deaf (1), Sylvia Plath (1), entertaining (1), breezy read (1), coming- of-age (1), Venice (1), Printz award winner (1), mom-lit (1), baby gorilla (1), i love phyllis reynolds naylor (1), girl read (1), entertaining as always (1), typos galore (1), wolfy grin (1), a little too blood/swear-free for this reader (1), one of my all-time favorite books (1), not as good as the original (1), recipe inside (1), ummm big papi? (1), made into a movie that my DVR erased before I had the chance to watch it (1), myspace friend! (1), not as awesome as the illustrations (1), RED SOX!!!!!! (1), harper lee (1), not as good as i hoped it would be (1), kind of scary (1), sex-oriented YA (1), the u.k. (1), not actually sherman alexie's YA novel (oops!) (1), grown up book (1), depressing but engaging (1), poor choice in boyfriends/friends (1), funny and sweet (1), nowhere near as good as "In Cold Blood" (1), survivor tale (1), recipes included (1), ALICE! (1), ann m. martin stages a comeback! (1), bad chick lit that i somehow still managed to enjoy (1), book discussion title (1), awesomest book cover ever (1), the end! (1), cool story (1), my favorite of the series (1), better than expected (1), fun as always (1), i met the author (1), historical fiction version of gossip girls (1), mental institute (1), veronica mars! (1), beautifully drawn (1), i love debra galant (1), kind of lame (1), beyond quirky! (1), plot-less (1), so helpful (1), buffies (1), a bit too long (1), pretty good for chick lit (1), not as good as i expected (1), japanese americans (1), terribly sad but also hopeful and beautiful (1), Judaism (1), at times gruesome (1), interesting premise (1), Antarctic (1), boingboing (1), high school basketball (1), life-changing (1), perfect (1), inspirational (1), scary (1), lyrical (1), oprah (1), Australia (1), religions (1), engaging (1), cows (1), autobiography (1), confusing (1), memories (1), beautifully written (1), manga (1), anti-war (1), libraries (1), tear-jerker (1), cried (1), chicago author (1), california (1), whimsical (1), poems (1), compelling (1), too long (1), cancer (1), mother-daughter (1), heartwarming (1), awesome cover (1), private schools (1), cooking (1), interesting (1), sci-fi (1), popular (1), reread (1), fantastic (1), movies (1), biography (1), religion (1), depression (1), long (1), relationships (1), mermaids (1), prison (1), my favorite so far (1), europe (1), teenager (1), lies (1), summer reading (1), postmodern (1), smart (1), suspenseful (1), prequel (1), survival (1), fantasy (1), dystopia (1), post-apocalyptic (1), apocalyptic (1), weird (1), suicide (1), twisted fairy tale (1), horror classic (1), funny as always (1), bridget is my favorite (1), a little boring at times (1), stuttering (1), father/son (1), made into a television movie (1), bands (1), overcoming adversity (1), read in one sitting (1), newbury honor (1), novel in verse (1), collective biography (1), rad (1), read it in one sitting (1), verse novel (1), pet rat (1), great pictures (1), reluctant reader (1), great concept (1), music references (1), scrotum (1), "controversial" NOT (1), unrealistic (1), you go girl (1), realistic science fiction (1), urban lit (1), bison (1), Sturbridge (1), ivory coast (1), presidential candidate (1), helpful (1), useful (1), meandering (1), Pacific Northwest (1), Los Angeles (1), consequences (1), sports (1), moon (1), Iraq war (1), the middle east (1), teenage pregnancy (1), breathtaking (1), Iranian (1), dying (1), YA classic (1), ladies (1), creationism (1), hipsters (1), interesting read (1), senior year (1), crushes (1), activists (1), inuit (1), school shooting (1), tears (1), buffalo (1), annoying characters (1), heartache (1), synesthesia (1), kitties (1), companion book (1), prom! (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 5, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Miss Barnes
Über meine Bibliothek
This virtual library is not the books I own. Rather, it's the books I've been reading since I started writing them down at the beginning of 2007. This library includes every book finished starting January 1, 2007. Most of them are library books...
Über mich
I am a young adult librarian at the Homewood Public Library.
Chicago, IL

