Autoren-Cloud für LePetitPrinceHall

Bob Allen(1) Clifton J. Allen(1) Courtney Anderson(1) Joan Wester Anderson(1) Scott Anderson(1) Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(1) Herbert Aptheker(1) Andrew C. Aronson(1) Maurice Ashley(1) White House Historical Association(1) Bonnie Bader(1) Florence L. Barclay(1) Ian Barnes(1) J. M. Barrie(1) David Barton(1) Bede(1) Mark A. Beliles(1) J. Bowyer Bell(1) Janet Benge(8) Charles E. Bennett(1) Luciano Berti(1) Gavin Betts(1) Robert Beverley(1) W. W. Blackford(1) Michael Blake(1) Robert Jr. Bluford(1) Paul F. Boller(1) Booksales(1) Mark Braverman(1) Francis Brown(1) Maurice Bruézière(1) John Buchanan(2) Michael Burgan(1) Barbara Bush(1) George W. Bush(1) Bruce A Byers(1) Julius Caesar(2) Jonathan Cahn(1) John Cannon(1) Rosa Nouchette Carey(1) Edmund J Carpenter(1) Keshia A. Case(1) Boyt Henderson Cathey(1) Tim Chaffey(1) Steven Curtis Chapman(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) David B. Chesebrough(1) Julia Child(1) Winston S. Churchill(4) Marchette Chute(1) William Ronald Cocke(1) David R. Collins(4) Colonial Williamsburg Foundation(1) Philip W. Comfort(1) Diana Maury Corbin(1) Marie Corelli(1) Perfection Learning Corp.(2) Ernie Couch(1) F. Marion Crawford(1) Carson Creagh(1) Daniel W. Crofts(1) Richard E. Crouch(1) David Crystal(1) S. G. Culliford(1) Virginius Dabney(2) Stephen M. Davis(1) Wayne Dementi(1) Charles Dickens(6) Walt Disney Productions(1) Franklin W. Dixon(1) Mary Mapes Dodge(1) Matt Doeden(1) Kieran Doherty(1) Ian Donaldson(1) Amanda M. Douglas(1) Paul S. Dulaney(1) Alexandre Dumas(1) Roberta Edwards(1) Michael A. Elliott(1) Joseph J. Ellis(3) Millard J. Erickson(1) David Hackett Fischer(1) David Fleming(1) Fodor's(1) James Fontaine(1) Donald W. Foster(1) Genevieve Foster(1) Robert Foulke(1) Judith Bloom Fradin(1) Douglas Southall Freeman(1) Frank Freidel(1) Guy Friddell(1) Margaret Frith(1) John Lewis Gaddis(1) Stephen Gazi(1) David Gibbon(1) Martin Gilbert(1) Jean Giono(1) Lorri Glover(1) Edward W. Goodrick(1) Rutherford Goodwin(1) Elliott J. Gorn(2) Billy Graham(4) Michael Grant(1) Arthur Gray(1) A. Wilson Greene(1) Oliver B. Greene(1) Ralph W. Greenlaw(1) Frederik Willem Grosheide(1) John Hastings Gwathmey(1) S. C. Gwynne(1) Joy Hakim(10) Henry H. Halley(1) Prentice Hall(1) Edith Hamilton(1) Ken Ham(3) Paula Hammond(1) Earl Hamner(1) Des Hannigan(1) Paul Harvey(1) Chris Hawkins(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1) Jack Heckel(5) Ronald L. Heinemann(1) F. Wilbur Helmbold(1) G. F. R. Henderson(1) Matthew Henry(2) Chaim Herzog(1) Charlton Heston(1) Edward E. Hindson(1) Paul Hines(1) Bodie Hodge(1) Martin Holmes(1) James P. P. Horn(1) Ethel Hueston(1) Philip Edgcumbe Hughes(1) Thomas Hughes(1) Margaret Humphreys(1) Washington Irving(1) Walter Isaacson(1) Beaumont James(1) Jerry B. Jenkins(3) Tim LaHaye Jerry Jenkins(2) William Jennings(1) Ji-li Jiang(1) Paul Johnson(1) Robert D. Johnston(1) Peter Jones(1) Rev. John William Jones(2) Flavius Josephus(1) James Buckley Jr.(1) Richard Allan Fox Jr.(1) Robert B. Kebric(1) True Kelley(1) Joseph Kelly(1) Christopher Kendris(1) Frances H. Kennedy(1) Jim Kuhn(1) Karen Ordahl Kupperman(1) John C. Lambert(1) Langenscheidt Publishers(1) William Latham(1) Ralston B. Lattimore(1) Robert Leckie(1) Robert E. Lee, Jr.(1) C. S. Lewis(2) Titus Livius(1) Herbert Lockyer(1) Edward G. Longacre(1) Cathryn J. Long(1) James Longstreet(1) Charles Ludwig(2) Henry Lumpkin(1) John MacArthur, Jr.(1) Jake Macaulay(1) John Macdonald(1) Stephen Mansfield(1) Phillip Margulies(1) Emma Marriott(1) Peter Marshall(1) Cristina Mazzoni(1) Robert McCrum(1) Yona Zeldis McDonough(2) J. Vernon McGee(2) James M. McPherson(1) L.T. Meade(1) Eric Metaxas(1) Calvin Miller(1) Steven Mintz(1) Geoffrey Moorhouse(1) Paul S. Morando(1) Samuel Mordecai(1) Edmund S. Morgan(1) Robert J. Morgan(1) James Morrison(1) Ian Mortimer(1) Cara L. T. Murphy(1) William O. Kellogg Ed. M.(1) Paul C. Nagel(1) Peggy Noonan(1) Grace Norwich(1) John Julius Norwich(1) Charlene Notgrass(2) John Notgrass(2) Paul O'Keeffe(1) Michael Olmert(1) Steve Parker(1) Janet Pascal(1) Dorothy Wells Pease(1) Tim Perry(1) James E. Person(1) W.A. Peters(1) Charles F. Pfeiffer(2) Richard Plumer(1) Plutarch(1) Polybius(1) Bethany Poore(1) Stephanie Pope, et al.(1) Eleanor H. Porter(1) Jane Porter(1) The Navigators(5) Cambridge School Classics Project(6) American Education Publishing(1) DK(1) John V. Quarstein(1) Celeste W. Rakes(4) Robert Wayne Ramsey(1) Ray Raphael(1) Elizabeth Raum(1) Myrtle Reed(1) Gordon C. Rhea(2) Grace S. Richmond(2) Maria Wornom Rippe(1) James I. Robertson(1) Lee Roddy(1) Jon Roper(1) Joel C. Rosenberg(1) Helen C. Rountree(1) Parke Rouse(1) Paul Ruditis(1) Miguel de Cervantes(2) Charles Richard Sanders(1) E. P. Sanders(1) James K. Sanford(2) Charles M. Schulz(1) C. I. Scofield(1) Mary Wingfield Scott(1) Sarah Robinson Scott(1) Stephen W. Sears(2) John Seidensticker(1) Samantha Seiple(2) Dr. Seuss(1) William Shakespeare(1) Aaron Sheehan-Dean(1) Steve Sheinkin(1) William T. Sherman(1) Hugh Sidey(1) John Smith(3) Hanover County Historical Society(1) National Geographic Society(2) Ed Southern(1) Gail Stein(1) William Arnold Stevens(1) K. J. Stewart(1) David Stick(1) James P. Stobaugh(2) C. C. Stopes(1) Barbara Strachey(1) William Strachey(2) William Carter Stubbs(1) Harry A. Stuhldreher(1) Suetonius(1) James L. Swanson(1) Kevin Swanson(1) Midori Takagi(1) Dale Paige Talley(1) David Thomas(1) Emory M. Thomas(1) Richmond Times-Dispatch(1) John Hudson Tiner(3) Noah Andre Trudeau(2) Terry Tuley(1) Michael W. Tyler(1) Matt Upson(1) Elizabeth Van Lew(1) Various(1) David J. Vaughan(1) Donald Vaughan(1) Virginia Department of ...(2) Eleanor Coleman Durham Wallace(1) Lee A. Wallace(1) Geoffrey C. Ward(1) Hans Wehr(1) Alison Weir(1) J. Edson White(1) Nancy S. Williamson(1) Carrie Hunter Willis(1) Chuck Wills(1) Douglas Wilson(1) Michael Wood(1) Hobson Woodward(1) Louis B. Wright(1) Becky Yancey(1) Robert Young(1) Howard Zinn(1)