Autoren-Cloud für uqcops

Peter Abelard(1) J. N. Adams(5) Sir John Adams(1) A. W. H. Adkins(1) K. Adshead(1) Aeschylus(6) Aldo Mazzolai(1) James Turney Allen(1) Antony Andrewes(1) Avery D. Andrews(1) Anonyme(1) Apollodorus(1) Appian(4) M.J. Apthorp(1) Apuleius(4) Aristophanes(10) Aristotle(7) Peter D. Arnott(1) W. Geoffrey Arnott(2) W. Geoffrey Arnott(1) Arrian(1) E.P. Arthur(1) Thomas Ashby(1) Geoffrey Ashe(1) N.G. Ashton(1) W.D. Ashworth(1) Assistant Masters Association(1) Athenaeus(1) J. W. H. Atkins(1) Basil F. C. Atkinson(1) K.M.T. Atkinson(1) Marcus Aurelius(1) No Author(1) Jaques Aymard(1) J. Azize(1) S. Bader(1) Ernst Badian(1) Cyril Bailey(1) D. Bain(1) R.J. Baker(1) B. Baldwin(2) H. Baltussen(1) E Barker(1) R. D. Barnett(1) R. H. Barrow(2) John Barsby(1) Richard A Bauman(3) Alessandro Bausani(1) Elizabeth Baynham(1) Henry Beard(1) John Beckwith(1) J. Bellemore(4) J.L. Beness(2) Julian Bennett(1) Roloff Beny(1) Edwyn Bevan(1) Marjorie Elliott Bevlin(1) P.J. Bicknell(2) Robin Birley(1) Carl William Blegen(1) R. C. Blockley(1) Carl Bluemel(1) D. Blyth(1) José María Blázquez(1) John Boardman(5) Alan L. Boegehold(1) R.P. Bond(2) Stanley F. Bonner(1) A. B. Bosworth(3) G. W. Bowersock(1) C. M. Bowra(1) William Boyd(1) D. Braund(1) Warwick Bray(1) David J. Breeze(1) Otto J. Brendel(2) P. Brennan(1) C. O. Brink(1) Christopher Brooke(2) R. Browning(1) Peter Robert Lamont Brown(1) T.R. Bryce(1) Bryn Mawr Commentaries(1) Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron Lytton(1) E.L. Burge(1) A. R. Burn(1) Ioannes Burnet(1) John Burnet(1) P. Burton(1) J. B. Bury(1) Karl W Butzer(1) David Buxton(1) S.N. Byrne(1) Julius Caesar(5) artjur calvert(1) Lewis Campbell(1) John Camp(1) John M. Camp(1) Jérôme Carcopino(1) J. Carington Smith(1) Stefano De Caro(1) Thomas H. Carpenter(1) Paul Cartledge(1) Max Cary(1) M.; T.J. Haarhoff Cary(1) John L. Caskey(1) Stanley Casson(1) Celsus(3) Isadore of Charax(1) Jean Charbonneaux(1) Annick Charles-Saget(1) James H. Kim On Chong-Gossard(1) E. H. Cicero; Donkin(1) Marcus Tullius Cicero(20) clarkac-1(1) G.W. Clarke(3) E. J. Clark(1) David Cohen(1) John Coles(1) P.J. Connor(1) P. Conole(1) S. Constantinidou(1) Soteroula Constantinidou(1) J. M. Cook(1) Charles Gordon Cooper(1) Robert W. Corrigan(1) F. R. Cowell(1) Elizabeth M. Craik(1) Michael Crawford(2) Brian Croke(1) A.D. Crown(1) Barry Cunliffe(1) J. Curran(1) Saint John of Damascus(1) M.L. Damen(1) J. Davidson(2) R. H. C. Davis(1) Ettore M. De Juliis(1) Demosthenes(2) Maximilians der Ludwig(1) Vincent Robin d'Arba Desborough(1) J.P. Descouedres(1) J. Deuling(1) R. Develin(8) Ambrosio Firmin Didot(1) Matthew Dillon(1) Marcus (editor) Dimsdale(1) Cassius Dio(9) Dixons(1) K.W. Dobbins(1) D.W. Dockrill(1) Theodore Ayrault Dodge(2) Donald R. Dudley(1) J. Wight Duff(1) J. Duhigg(1) A.J. Dunston(2) Lawrence Durdin-Robertson(1) Victor Duruy(1) M. Dyson(6) Victor Ehrenberg(1) C. Ehrhardt(1) C.T.H.R. Ehrhardt(1) Otto Eissfeldt(2) J.R. Ellis(1) Quintus Ennius(1) Euripides(12) R. Evans(1) Kenneth J. Fairless(1) E. Fantham(1) Clare Fell(1) John Ferguson(2) Arther Ferrill(1) M. I. Finley(1) R.K. Fisher(1) Fitzwilliam Museum(1) Florus(1) Phyllis Young Forsyth(1) Ralda G. Forzin(1) Henri Frankfort(1) M. Franzmann(1) A. French(3) Sheppard Frere(4) Ludwig Friedlaender(2) C.J. Gadd(4) D.B. Gain(2) Galen(1) P. Gallivan(1) P.A. Gallivan(1) Lynda Garland(1) Tom Garlick(1) Federico Garolla(1) D. A. E. Garrod(1) Heathcote William Garrod(2) J. Garthwaite(2) Gerald Gassiot-Talabot(1) A. Geddes(1) E. Gee(1) G.H. Gellie(2) Matthias Gelzer(1) Gerald Heres(1) Roman Ghirshman(1) Edward Gibbon(1) William Ewart Gladstone(1) Hermann Goetz(1) Beatrice Laura Goff(1) Barbara K. Gold(1) Simon Goldhill(1) Cicero (translated with an Introduction By Michael(1) Michael Grant(3) E.W. Gray(1) E. Greene(1) Kevin Greene(1) Peter Green(1) M.C. Greenstock(1) TARN & GRIFFITH(1) Pierre Grimal(2) H; Davies Grose-Hodge, E. W.(1) Ernst Guhl(2) Guibert of Nogent(1) O. R. Gurney(2) Guthrie(1) Moses Hadas(1) J.K. Hale(1) William Harlan Hale(1) Dionysius of Halicarnassus(5) J. Hallett(1) J. Hall(1) William W. Hallo(1) Sevgi Gonul Hall(1) N. G. L. Hammond(6) S. A. Handford(1) R. Hanley(1) Robert Hannah(2) R. Ellis; C. Hardie(1) Phillip Harding(1) Paul H. Harvey(1) Paul Harvey(1) R.S.W. Hawtrey(2) H. E. Gould & J. L. Whiteley(1) M. Helzle(1) Bernard W Henderson(1) Bernard William Henderson(1) A.S. Henry(3) Herodian(2) Herodotus(7) L. Hertling(1) Hesiod(2) D.A. Hester(7) Thomas R. Hester(1) Sharon Kelly Heyob(1) Reynold Alleyne Higgins(1) C. Hignett(1) T.W. Hillard(3) Walther Hinz(2) R.L. Hohlfelder(1) Frank L. Holt(1) Ernst Homann-Wedeking(1) Homer(10) Sinclair Hood(1) Colin A. Hope(1) B. Hopwood(1) Graham Hopwood(1) Horace(2) Simon Hornblower(1) Nicholas Horsfall(1) G. H. R. Horsley(6) H. Wayne House(1) B. D. Hoyos(4) R. Hunter(1) Innes(1) Silius Italicus(2) J.D.) D. Ivnii (Duff Ivvenalis(1) A. Jackson(1) A.W. James(3) Richard ( Editor ) Sophocles; Jebb(1) H.D. Jocelyn(5) M. Johnson(1) Maxwell E. Johnson(1) David E. Johnston(1) A. H. M. Jones(1) Brian W. Jones(1) B. W. Jones(1) Peter V. Jones(1) Tom Jones(1) Juvenal(3) Juvenal and Persius(1) Donald Kagan(3) R.A. Kearsley(1) J.N. Keddies(2) D.H. Kelly(3) M. Kelly(2) D. L. Kennedy(1) Kathleen M. Kenyon(1) Eva C. Keuls(1) D. A. Kidd(3) J.T. Kirby(1) G. S. Kirk(2) H. D. F. Kitto(2) Bernard Knox(1) J. R. Kupper(1) Bernhard Kytzler(1) Rene Labat(1) W. K. Lacey(3) LACTOR(3) Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie(1) M. L. W. Laistner(1) Mabel Lang(1) Donald Lateiner(2) Michael Lattke(1) Paul Lazarides(1) J. F. Lazenby(1) B. Leadbetter(1) John A. L. Lee(1) Kevin Lee(2) Mary R. Lefkowitz(1) Brian P. Levack(1) B.M. Levick(1) Charlton T. and Charles Short Lewis(1) Naphtali Lewis(2) Joan Liversidge(1) Titus Livius(22) Seton Lloyd(1) William Lobban(1) R.A. Lock(1) Longus(1) D. W. Lucas(1) Lucilius(1) J. W. Mackail(1) Compton Mackenzie(1) C. J. Mackie(1) Macquarie University(2) J. N. Madvig(1) David Magie(1) Lyn Magree(1) Enrica Malcovati(1) G.R. Manton(1) G. Manuwald(1) Spyridon Marinatos(1) M.M. Markle III(1) B.A. Marshall(3) Martial(2) J.R.C. Martyn(1) Maurice W. Mather(1) Brian Matthews(1) R.J.H. Matthews(2) H.B. Mattingly(1) F. Matz(1) Friedrich Matz(1) M. Mayrhofer(1) Emily A. McDermott(1) W.C. McDermott(1) William Coffman McDermott(1) A.S. McDevitt(1) Alexander Hugh McDonald(1) Kenneth L. McKay(3) K.J. McKay(5) Wayne A. Meeks(2) James Mellaart(2) Menander(1) Benjamin Dean Meritt(1) A. A. Milne(2) E. Minchin(1) L.G. Mitchell(1) A. Moffatt(1) T.B. Mooney(1) G. Morrison(1) R. Mortley(1) Claude Mossé(1) Jessie Mothersole(1) F. Muecke(3) R. G. Mulgan(1) Euripides - translated by Gilbert Murray(1) G. Murray(1) Gilbert Murray(2) British Museum(2) Myrto Georgopoulou-Verra and others(1) George Herbert Nall(1) Cornelius Nepos(1) R.M. Nielsen(1) C. E. V. Nixon(1) N.K. Sandras(1) Richard A. Norris(1) Notice(1) D. Noy(1) D.C. Nutt(1) R. M. Ogilvie(1) A. T. Olmstead(1) J O'Neil(1) J.L. O'Neil(2) Eric Francis Osborn(1) L. O'Sullivan(1) P. O'sullivan(1) Brooks Otis(1) Ovid(3) Massimo Pallottino(1) E. Paltiel(2) Robert Parker(1) V. Parker(1) Velleius Paterculus(1) W. R. Paton(5) Pausanias(1) L. Pearson(1) P.S. Peek(1) J.L. Penwill(2) Tony Perrottet(1) B. E. Perry(1) Petronius(1) John Swinnerton Phillimore(1) Robert A. Philpott(1) A. W. Pickard-Cambridge(1) Pindar(1) R.A. Pitcher(2) Plato(4) Plautus(1) Pliny(3) Pliny the Elder(7) Plutarch(14) Anthony Podlecki(1) J. Poesner(1) J. J. Pollitt(1) Polybius(9) Paul Poralla(1) N. Postlethwaite(1) Alex W. Potts(1) D.M. Pritchard(1) Procopius(2) Cambridge School Classics Project(1) Sextus Propertius(3) Dora Pym(1) Kenneth Quinn(1) Marcus Fabius Quintilianus(1) Kurt A. Raaflaub(1) Betty Radice(1) B. Rawson(4) Apollonius of Rhodes(1) P.J. Rhodes(1) Ernest Rhys(1) David Talbot Rice(1) Gisela Marie Augusta Richter(3) Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway(1) R.T. Ridley(1) E. V. Rieu(1) D. N. Riley(1) William Ritchie(1) Ivor Roberts(1) J. M. Roberts(1) Donald S. Robertson(1) James J. Robertson(1) Martin Robertson(4) Cyril Edward Robinson(2) Cosmo Rodewald(1) Carl Roebuck(1) Pietro Romanelli(1) Renate Rosenthal(2) James Bruce Ross and Mary Martin McLaughlin(1) Georges Roux(1) Margaret M. Roxan(1) Quintus Curtius Rufus(4) David T. Runia(1) J. A. Sakellarakis(1) Sallust(4) Edward Togo Salmon(1) Julia Samson(1) Sappho(1) Sargent & Dallin(1) Amy Nagorski Saunders(1) R.T. Saunders(1) Chris Scarre(1) Heinrich Schafer(1) Mauricius Schmidt(3) Harry C. Schnur(1) H. H. Scullard(2) David R. Sear(1) Erich Segal(1) Charles Theodore Seltman(1) Seneca(2) Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the Younger(6) Alexander Sesonske(1) Oskar Seyffert(1) D. R. Shackleton Bailey(2) J.S. Sheldon(1) Jo-Ann Shelton(1) A. N. Sherwin-White(1) G.P. Shipp(7) Arthur Sidgwick(1) A.M. Silvas(2) R.R. Simms(1) R. K. Sinclair(1) T. A. Sinclair(1) Moya Smith(1) New York Graphic Society(1) A.H. Sommerstein(1) Sophocles(6) Richard Claverhouse Jebb(1) Nigel Spivey(1) Sue Stallibrass(2) John E. Stambaugh(1) G. R. Stanton(1) Statius(2) T.R. Stevenson(1) A.M. Stone(1) M. Stone(1) R. Stoneman(1) I.C. Storey(1) Strabo(7) Donald Emrys Strong(1) Frank H. Stubbings(2) Suetonius(3) R. Syme(2) Tacitus(11) H. Tarrant(1) H.A.S. Tarrant(4) Lily Ross Taylor(1) Terence(2) P. (Terence). (Notes and Introductions By A. Sloman). Terenti(1) Charles Tesoriero(1) Carol G. Thomas(1) John Thompson(1) J. A. K. Thomson(1) R.M. Thomson(2) Thucydides(9) Henricus Stuart; Powell (Jones, Johannes Enoch) Th(1) Tibullus(2) Malcolm Todd(1) Professor M [ed.] Todd(5) J. Tomin(1) G. Torello(1) Jules Toutain(1) D.A. Traill(1) ARISTOPHANES ~ GILBERT MURRAY TRANS.(1) A. Treloar(6) A.P. Treweek(1) J.M. Turfa(1) E. G. Turner(1) Peter J. Ucko(1) J. Uden(1) University of Queensland(1) Unknown(4) Unknown(1) M. Van Der Valk(1) Various(3) Various(1) Dr. M Vilfmkova(1) Joinville And Villehardouin(1) Virgil(23) T. E. Page Virgil(1) Vitruvius(6) Arthur Sumner Walpole(1) John H. Walsh(1) D. Wardle(3) J. B. Ward-Perkins(1) Eric Herbert Warmington(1) Rex Warner(2) K.H. Waters(2) L Watson(1) L.C. Watson(1) D. Watts(2) T. D. & Stevenson Watts(1) P.R.C. Weaver(3) T. B. L. Webster(2) George Patrick Welch(1) K.E. Welch(1) M. L. West(1) P. Wheatley(1) P.V. Wheatley(1) Mortimer Wheeler(2) Frederic M. Wheelock(1) F. C. White(1) Brian Gardiner Whitfield(1) Professor J J [ed.] Wilkes(4) A.S. Wilkins(1) L. P. Wilkinson(1) G. Williams(1) Gordon Williams(1) R. Deryck Williams(1) J. Willis(2) M. Winterbottom(1) Irmgard Woldering(1) E. Wong(1) A. G. Woodhead(1) Xenophon(3) Metropolitan Museum of Art(1) Pliny the Younger(2) Graham Zanker(1) Paul Zanker(1) Eduard Zeller(1) J.L. Zimmermann(1) N/A(3) UQ(13)