This one I know. Book seven.

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This one I know. Book seven.

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Bearbeitet: Jan. 22, 2012, 1:16 pm

Mirror Universe Rise Like Lions. Ah... I've been waiting for this book. I tried to add it to my library but it turns out that this site has a hard time distinguishing between all of the star trek books. It also claims that I don't have a lot of the Mirror Universe books that I actually have. I'm going to have to go back and re-add them because other people must have fixed this problem on some books, which changed them out of my library? I don't know how that works. All I know is they need to treat Trek better. :p

Also going to have to work out what to listen to when reading this one... Contrary to what you would think, listening to the soundtracks and reading isn't as easy as it seems. It actually throws you off most times.. Someone will be having a calm conversation or a quiet moment... and battle music is on in the background. :)

Dez. 5, 2011, 5:36 pm

I am happy to see that you're reading this book next :) Yes, you're right they need to treat Trek better - try saying that ten times fast!

Soundtracks are most of what I have on my computer, and I can see how things would throw you off if the music doesn't fit the mood - that's one of the good things about having the ocean stuff, or the crackling fireplace... I like that one to read to.

Dez. 5, 2011, 7:20 pm

Here's a great little clip I ran across today while starting the book.... (Which, I must say made me want to start the Mirror Universe set over from the beginning.)

The rebel leader held up his open hand, palm out. "Hang on. Do you mean to tell me Bajor's had spare munitions for the station all this time?"

"Of course they did. The Alliance has maintained a sizable weapons cache on the planet's surface ever since Terok Nor was built."

"Then why the bloody hell are we finding out about it only now?"

"Because when someone puts a gun to your head, you don't offer them free ammunition."

Dez. 6, 2011, 6:45 pm

I love this quote. It's quotes like this that make David Mack's work stand out. I hear on FB that he's just started a new trillogy - don't know about what, but... it's good that he's writing.

Dez. 7, 2011, 6:54 pm

I guess I should add him on facebook, huh? I had a great line today, but I left the book in the car and can't be bothered to go out and get it. Will post it tomorrow. One thing I did realize that was very cool, the kids were listening to Enya while they were sleeping, at which point I was reading about Picard seeing a beautiful planet for the first time. It was a perfect moment. :)

Dez. 7, 2011, 7:50 pm

Yes, you should add him on FB. :) I like Enya a lot - I'm glad her music fit. Look forward to seeing the line.

I had a realisation about Picard today, I've posted it in my book thread.

Dez. 7, 2011, 7:51 pm

Ah, but is it about picard or the author, hm? ;)

Dez. 7, 2011, 7:53 pm

Well, yeah, technically it's about the author. *blush* Sorry