Eloping with Emmy by Liz Fielding

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Eloping with Emmy by Liz Fielding

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Mai 12, 2012, 11:54 am

I won this ebook the other day and started reading it last night. I finished it a little bit ago. I would recommend this book to all of my friends. I love romance books so this was right up my alley. The book wasn't too long and flowed very well. The only issue I had about the book is on a personal level. I am a former police officer and have issues with false reporting. Fortunately, the author let Tom Brodie get released quickly, but personally I would try a different tactic in the book to divert Mr. Brodie. Not a great message to send to readers that is okay to lie to get your own spoiled way so to speak. People don't realize that they can ruin someone's life by making stuff up. And that does get back to the point that this is fiction and it didn't happen so I will get off my soap box.

I do appreciate winning this book and as I said before, I would recommend it to anyone that likes a romance. I would give this book 4 stars.