Looking for Someone to Adopt My Beloved Book Collection


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Looking for Someone to Adopt My Beloved Book Collection

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Jun. 6, 2014, 6:42 am

Hello, I have spent 15+ years collecting books, but have recently made the difficult decision to let them go, as I am about to embark on an indefinite backpacking trip across Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Currently, I have about 1200 books. You can see them here on my profile in "Books I Own." (My Library is books I've read).

Fiction and Literature takes up most of my collection. I have an eclectic taste for all types of literature, mainly classics from any and all eras and continents - specifically British literature. Most of my fiction would be considered "intellectual" or "literary," you won't find any pulp bestsellers or Harlequins here.
Another large part of my Fiction section is Historical Fiction, many of which are signed by popular authors in the sub-genre.
I also have quite a few children's literature that I myself read and loved as a young reader.

I have an antiquarian collection, but will most likely be packing these books away as the only ones that I end up keeping.

Beyond fiction, I have many other subjects, most extensively in Travel, History, Books about Books, Sexuality, Medicine, Science, Biographies, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Classical Literature / Mythology, and Poetry.

I also have a large collection of antiquarian leaflets and pamphlet books from antiquarian book sales, most from the 19th and 20th Centuries, and a large collection of vintage / original Modern Library hardcovers with dust jackets.

Though a majority of these books are simply ordinary copies that you could pick up at a used bookstore, there are many gems in my collection.

If you are interested, please understand that I consider my books to be my life's work, and my most important possession. I would hate to sell my books off one by one, or simply dump them at a thrift shop where many to most of them will never be appreciated and loved again.
If I could find that person that would love to adopt a widely varied, intelligent book collection, that would be ideal.
You would also get 5 bookcases - 4 are the white "Billy" bookcases from Ikea, and one is a solid wood antique bookshelf.

Please write if interested...

Mrz. 7, 2015, 12:59 pm

Cool collection. I would love to adopt your collection but, I live in Illinois. I hope to build up a collection like you did.

Mrz. 12, 2015, 3:24 pm

Have you considered donating to a library, hospice, or retirement/assisted living facility? I think your books would bring a lot of joy to many for years to come if you did. Possibly a university library would be interested in your antiquarian pamphlets.

Best of luck in finding a new home for your beloved books.