Are you making adjustments from your 2014 goals to your 2015 goals?

ForumClub Read 2014

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Are you making adjustments from your 2014 goals to your 2015 goals?

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Dez. 10, 2014, 12:09 am

I am. I need to be a touch less ambitious. I wanted to read at least 5 of each of the following: nonfiction, classics, books in German, books towards my ongoing 50 state challenge..... Plus I went for too high a number overall. I'm going to scale back a little in each category -- more than I read this year, but less than my goals.

Anybody else making changes?

Dez. 10, 2014, 3:58 am

No changes except that in 2015 I actually will have a goal of 66 books. I have decided to not only keep my main thread in Club Read, but also to participate in the 2015 Category Challenge for the first time and have already planned out what I am going to read next year. Most of the books are already on my shelves and they are all books I want to read.

I have not cared to set numbers goals in the past but next year I want to expand my horizons a bit, so I will have a presence in both groups. 66 seems like a doable number. I am going to fall short of that in 2014 but I got a late start on the year.

How many books one decides to read needs to be a function of time available to devote to reading. Of course, that's different for everyone, and I know it can vary from year to year as well.

Cutting back on your goal won't prevent you from exceeding your new goal next year, and that is always a plus!

Bearbeitet: Dez. 10, 2014, 7:45 am

I don't want to cut back next year on possible goals, but I will probably combine my centennial group reads taking in the remainder of the books I wanted to read published in 1914 with others from 1915.

I have been steadily reading through two authors this year; Doris Lessing and H G Wells and will need to push ahead with Doris next year, H G is coming to and end and so I will be in the market for a new author to concentrate on.

Dez. 10, 2014, 9:17 am

My read count goal won't change from this year to next. Neither will my goal to read from my TBR. Although, this year I totally sucked at that challenge. However, I have spent some time entering all the titles I currently own. Hopefully, that will help me stick to the titles that are filling my shelves. The library is just so darn convenient!!

Dez. 10, 2014, 11:01 am

Every year I change things a bit. I don't intentionally set a number, though I'm also in the 2015 category challenge group and will need to read 75 books to complete that. This year I'm doing less planning of specific books to read. Besides the group reads that I've committed to which are almost all books off of my TBR pile, I don't have many specific books picked to read.

I do want to try reading more from my TBR books on the shelf and on my kindle. Until a year or two ago, I never had an actual TBR pile (just a list), so it's different to read books I have here rather than getting whatever I want to read from the library or buying it and reading it immediately, which is what I used to do. So I am thinking about setting a number goal of books that I'd like to read from the TBR piles. I also plan to keep track of how many books I acquire next year and how many of those I actually read, just for my own curiosity (not necessarily to curb book-buying!).

I love thinking about a new year of reading!

Dez. 10, 2014, 3:34 pm

I had the following as my unofficial goals of 2014. But really, these weren't particular things I was going out of my way to do as these already follow my typical reading.

1) Read more novels in Japanese
2) Continue with my Japan-related books but even more heavily so.
3) Read the travelogues I have
4) Keep an even balance between my languages
5) Maybe go back to reading in Spanish if I find a book I want to read
6) Read one Thomas Mann book for my Author Theme Reads group

I managed numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6 and got three out of four of my languages for number 4.

But really, I read the most I've read this year in a long time because I DIDN'T have any goals and because I wasn't trying to follow a group read. By allowing my mood to dictate what I felt like reading, I was able to just go with the natural flow of things.

Thus, my goal for 2015 is to continue not having any goals.

Dez. 10, 2014, 3:39 pm

No changes, except that I will not be attempting the TBR group's challenge next year. I've discovered that I don't like having a list of specific books looming over me.

My reading for 2015 will be targeted—a couple of specific topics each in nonfiction and fiction—but I'll explore titles as I go and pick a few in each area from my TBR account.

I also will try a reading log thread again in 2015, but I won't be posting reviews on the thread. That's not for me.

I have a couple of private reading goals, but they're fun ones, and I won't be upset if I fail to meet them.

>6 lilisin: Thus, my goal for 2015 is to continue not having any goals.

Perfect. I'm going to steal this, if I may.

Dez. 10, 2014, 6:55 pm

Reading goals don't work well for me either.

I finally have one for 2014. Having finished 48 books so far, I will hope for 52 by the end of the year.


Dez. 10, 2014, 8:24 pm

I've had a reading goal on the ROOT (Read Our Own Tomes) group for a while now, with the goal of reading at least 100 books that were already on my shelves at the beginning of the year. I'm definitely planning on doing the same again next year. It allows me at least the illusion of some sort of control over my TBR, as well as making sure I don't get so distracted by shiny new purchases that I forget to read all the shiny old purchases.

The last couple of years, I've also included a secondary goal, featuring an elaborate points system in which older books are worth more. I've been debating whether to do that again or not. I think I will, as it has helped spur me towards reading some of the older and dustier volumes, often with "Why the hell didn't I read this before?!" results. I think I'm going to go for a lower points goal, though. Right now it's iffy whether I'll meet my goal for this year or not, and rather than providing a fun incentive, the pressure of wanting to garner those last few points is just starting to distract me from enjoying my reading. And that is certainly better avoided.

Dez. 10, 2014, 8:57 pm

>6 lilisin:

But really, I read the most I've read this year in a long time because I DIDN'T have any goals and because I wasn't trying to follow a group read. By allowing my mood to dictate what I felt like reading, I was able to just go with the natural flow of things.

Thus, my goal for 2015 is to continue not having any goals.

I love it!

Bearbeitet: Dez. 11, 2014, 1:09 am

>9 bragan: i'm so amused by your point system i'm almost jealous i don't have one. I love the idea.

I don't like goals but i do like having a plan as it tends to make my reading deeper. I couldn't come up with one for 2014. So, that's my first goal for 2015 - some kind of reading plan. Thinking about tackling some Cormac McCarthy...

Dez. 11, 2014, 12:37 am

>11 dchaikin: I confess, I basically stole the idea from someone else on the ROOT group. It amused me, too. :)

And I seem to be the exact opposite of you... I find goals (like reading x number of older books) useful, but having anything that could be considered an actual plan for what specific things to read just kills all my interest dead. At most, I am okay planning maybe two or three books ahead.

Speaking of which, I am thinking of picking up some Cormac McCarthy next.

Dez. 11, 2014, 2:21 am

I refuse to think about next year's reading until that week between Christmas and the New Year. I'll be at the in-laws and there is always plenty of quiet moments, especially if my SO continues his habit of running a Dungeons and Dragons game for all the children (who are between 11 and 18, so it works well). I'm hoping to read primarily female authors, more in German, more substantial books and to read a few more books that I've had a while.

Dez. 12, 2014, 8:21 am

I will analyze this year's reading when things calm down a little. I don't really set goals for myself, because I like to read what suits my fancy at any given moment, but I make a broad effort to read more globally and to read more women, both of which I have a feeling I didn't do enough of this year. But, that being said, I know myself and I know I'll just pick up whichever book fits my mood.

Dez. 12, 2014, 7:19 pm

Low grade chaos has permeated 2014 for me and reading has suffered. 2015 looks as if it will be the same, at least for the first six months. I wasn't going to set any goals because of this, but I do like mild structure, so I was torn. Then this morning I had the bright idea of reading through an alphabet of authors in translation, which works well not only with this group, but also with Reading Globally and gets through some of those TBR books. I am allowing myself to read out of sequence though in case I get stuck on a particular letter. I may not get through 26 authors, but at least it's something to aim for. I may be asking for suggestions for some letters.

It just occurred to me that I should make keeping my thread current a goal as well. I'm still working through October's books.

Dez. 13, 2014, 7:51 am

To follow SassyLassy, my 2014 reading has had the lowest total number of books read since 1997 when I started keeping track. It has been a crazy year. I'm not sure if 2015 will continue this way but I'm not going to flog myself over it. It will be what it will be.

I've never had any declared goals, though I loosely direct my reading into areas of interest for one reason or another. In the past that has been, for example, to: read more translations, more women-authored books, more African-authored books, more Nordic fiction that ISN'T crime novels; explore some first time authors, read all of JCO's novellas, read more short fiction....etc. Very loosey goosey, no "shoulds" and it works for me.

Dez. 22, 2014, 1:03 pm

My reading goal for 2014 was to read some Scandinavian (or other Northern European) literature. I managed to stick to it somewhat - I read some Finnish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Estonian lit, for a total of I think 7 books. I toyed with the idea of picking another country or region for 2015 (Mexico? Ukraine?), but I'm not sure I'm going with that. Instead, I think I'll go with some more general goals -- reading more women authors, more in my favorite genres of traditional ghost stories, gothic, and cozy mysteries, and more works written in the 19th century. I have a lot of Charles Dickens to catch up on.

I also want to keep up my habit of writing down any words I come across that I don't know, looking them up and writing down the definitions, and writing down the sentence that I read when I discovered them. By doing this, I've learned fun words like bibelot, foulard, dacoit, and nullah.

Dez. 22, 2014, 1:41 pm

In 2014 I used the 'free-range reading" technique, and at the end of the year I have to say that this has been probably the worst reading year since I started keeping track in 2001. Does that mean I need a more structured program, or are other things taking priority? I have no idea. I'm not going to stress about it. For 2015 I plan to continue on with my themes of Fairy Tales, British Women Writers, CanLit, and also pick my way through the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die, the Guardian 1000, and the Booker prize nominee lists.

Bearbeitet: Dez. 22, 2014, 2:10 pm

I most definitely will not meet my goals for this year. That is why I will cut back on my goals for next year and will finish up this year's goals...

Dez. 22, 2014, 2:51 pm

I plan to read less in 2015. I'm not sure how, but I read 244 books this year (my goal was 150). I have one more book planned for the year. All of that reading led to less of everything else. Less gardening. Less sewing. Less walking the dog so she can be hissed out by the neighborhood geese. Also, I plan to stick to my TBR in 2015. I have a lot of options in my TBR. Lots and lots of options.