fantasy novel with a general's son having to become king. he doesn't want it.

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fantasy novel with a general's son having to become king. he doesn't want it.

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Mrz. 11, 2017, 4:00 pm

the most i can remember is this it's a fantasy book about a general’s son who has to go into hiding after the kingdom was overthrown. interesting about this i remember was the kid had a dream that it was going to happen and made his friends (the prince and someone else high up) make a blood pact or something that swore them to keep the kingdom safe. (they cut off a peace of their skin and burned it if i remember correctly.

but it was overthrown anyway and they got split up and he has been on the run and being thought all these thing (like things a king should know) and has been trying to retake the kingdom and find his lost friend the prince. but instead one day he finds (more like she was given to him because i think she was at a convent) his sister who has sworn herself to silence and will not speak.

now she has something. like special blood or something else that lets her see the future. or something like that… that when ever she bleeds she sees things that helps them. so like half way through the book they end up finding this out and are like whaaa do you cut yourself and she’s like only when i need to but i bleed once a month because i’m a girl… and they are all like o yeah thats a thing… anyway

another part i remember is twords the end they end up likeling eachother and he teaches her special code wistles (it is improtant) witch help them when they find the thrid friend (who i think was a head of another revult) get through a tough situation… and at the end of the first book it is fully offical that the prince is dead. that the general’s son has been (unbeknownst to him) being tought how to be the next king. the princess is compleatly on board with this plan and even his other friend is…..

(sorry thats all i can remember. it's been quite a few years. i think it's a series and i only read the first book)

Mrz. 11, 2017, 9:13 pm

o i think i was able to get a bit more of a description
a son of a general (if i remember correctly) and his tropes following a woman who will not speak to find the king so that they can retake their kingdom

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 11, 2017, 11:00 pm

>1 applepiekitten: It sounds like Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta. And, yes, it is the first book of a trilogy (quite a good one), which continues with Froi of the Exiles and Quintana of Charyn.

Mrz. 12, 2017, 10:05 am

yes it is. thank you so much! i was trying to find it all yesterday. thank you so much!!