Advice for setting up student society library

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Advice for setting up student society library

Jun. 17, 2020, 1:19 pm

Hiya guys! I'm setting up a small lending library of manga (Japanese comics) and translated novels within my the Anime and Manga society in my college in Galway, Ireland. I study English, and I just wanted to know if anyone had any advice or tips on how to promote this service and make it as accessible as possible for students?

Jun. 20, 2020, 3:33 am

I guess one thing to consider is how easy is it for someone to check out a book? If it's easier to use, it will probably be used more. Is a special card needed? Or is a student card fine? Depending on the library size, are we talking electronic check-out? or Could a student fill out an old school lending card and drop it in a locked box somewhere? Is there someone who's going to be the librarian to keep track of books that are out or overdue so things aren't lost.

For promotion, maybe have the usual posters and things, but also bring attention to it to other clubs or classes that might have an interest. Unless you want this particular to club members. In that case, advertise it along with the club in general as a joining feature.