Fiction framed for murder

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Fiction framed for murder

Aug. 25, 2020, 9:19 pm

I’m so happy to have found this group. I’ve been trying to find a book that read years ago with no luck. Hopefully you guys can help.
The book was about a retired detective (possibly lawyer) who was in a wheelchair. He was wealthy and had lots of gadgets.
A man went to him for help because his life had been ruined. He had been set up for murder. He was adamant that things started falling apart after he had bought a book. Along the way he discovered the fact that other people had been set up for murders they claimed they were innocent for.
He finds out that it has to do with something like 3rd party tracking. When you sign up for membership cards at the store or pay for things with credit cards your info is entered into databases and can be used to tell people everything they would need to set you up. Things like what you eat regularly, if you’re single or planning to have sex, even if you have pets. He solves the case and finds out that even books have chips in the binding that can allow you to be tracked.
Edit to add that I got this book through book of the month club years ago. Not sure if that makes a difference.

Aug. 25, 2020, 11:44 pm

Aug. 26, 2020, 3:21 am

You are my hero!!!! Thank you.

Aug. 26, 2020, 3:31 am

You are my hero!!!! Thank you.